Does Incense Hide Weed Smoke?

Marijuana use is rising among young adults, especially college students

The Problem with Weed Smoke

Weed is a popular recreational drug, but it leaves a distinct odor that can be hard to get rid of. The smell of weed smoke can linger in the air and on clothing, making it difficult to hide the fact that you’ve been smoking. This can be a problem if you’re trying to keep your smoking habits a secret or if you live in an apartment building with neighbors who don’t appreciate the smell of weed.

What is Incense?

Incense is a type of aromatic material that is burned to produce a pleasant fragrance. It has been used for centuries in religious ceremonies and meditation practices, but it is also commonly used in households to mask unpleasant odors.

How Incense Works

When incense is burned, it releases fragrant smoke into the air. This smoke can help to mask the smell of weed smoke by overpowering it with a more pleasant scent. However, incense does not actually remove the smell of weed smoke from the air – it simply masks it.

Choosing the Right Incense

Not all incense is created equal when it comes to masking the smell of weed smoke. Some scents are more effective than others at overpowering the odor of weed smoke. Some popular incense scents that are known to be effective at masking the smell of weed smoke include sandalwood, lavender, and jasmine.

Using Incense to Mask Weed Smoke

If you want to use incense to mask the smell of weed smoke, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure you choose a scent that is strong enough to overpower the smell of weed smoke. Second, burn the incense in a well-ventilated area to ensure that the smoke does not become overwhelming. And third, be aware that incense does not actually remove the smell of weed smoke – it simply masks it.

Alternatives to Incense

If you’re not a fan of incense or if you’re looking for alternative ways to mask the smell of weed smoke, there are a few other options you can try. One option is to use a scented candle, which can also help to overpower the odor of weed smoke. Another option is to use an air purifier, which can help to remove smoke particles from the air.


In summary, incense can be an effective way to mask the smell of weed smoke, but it does not actually remove the odor from the air. If you’re looking for a more effective way to get rid of the smell of weed smoke, you may want to consider alternative options like scented candles or air purifiers. However, if you enjoy the aroma of incense and find it to be an effective way to mask the smell of weed smoke, there’s no reason why you can’t continue to use it.