Can You Use Yeast Infection Cream While On Period?

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Yeast infections are a common problem among women, and they can be a nuisance to deal with. Yeast infection creams are a popular treatment option, but what happens when you get your period? Can you still use the cream? In this article, we will discuss whether it is safe to use yeast infection cream while on your period.

What is a Yeast Infection?

A yeast infection is a fungal infection that can occur in various parts of the body, but it is most commonly found in the vagina. The infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of the yeast fungus, causing itching, burning, and discharge.

What is Yeast Infection Cream?

Yeast infection cream is a topical cream that contains antifungal medication. It is applied directly to the affected area to help kill the yeast fungus and relieve symptoms.

Can You Use Yeast Infection Cream While On Your Period?

Yes, you can still use yeast infection cream while on your period. However, it is important to note that the cream may be less effective during this time. The menstrual blood can dilute the cream and make it less potent.

How to Use Yeast Infection Cream While On Your Period

When using yeast infection cream while on your period, it is important to follow the instructions carefully. Make sure to insert the cream high into the vagina and use a panty liner to prevent any leakage. It is also important to avoid using tampons while using the cream.

Other Treatment Options

If you find that yeast infection cream is not effective during your period, there are other treatment options available. Oral antifungal medication is a popular alternative that can be taken during your period. It is important to talk to your doctor before starting any new medication.

Preventing Yeast Infections

Prevention is key when it comes to yeast infections. Here are some tips to help prevent them: – Wear cotton underwear – Avoid tight-fitting clothing – Keep the genital area clean and dry – Avoid douching – Avoid using scented products in the genital area

When to See a Doctor

If you have recurrent yeast infections or symptoms that do not improve with treatment, it is important to see a doctor. They can help determine the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend the appropriate treatment.


In conclusion, you can still use yeast infection cream while on your period, but it may be less effective. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and consider alternative treatment options if necessary. Remember to practice good hygiene and talk to your doctor if you experience recurrent symptoms.