Soda After Gastric Bypass: Is It Safe?

Throw Away The Soda Bariatric Edition International Patient


Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss surgery that involves reducing the size of the stomach and rerouting the small intestine. This procedure is done to help people who are severely obese to lose weight and improve their overall health. However, after the surgery, patients need to follow a strict diet and make lifestyle changes to maintain their weight loss. One of the biggest questions that gastric bypass patients have is whether it’s safe to drink soda after surgery.

What is Soda?

Soda, also known as soft drinks or carbonated beverages, are sugary drinks that are popular all over the world. They come in different flavors and brands, but they all have one thing in common: they are loaded with sugar and calories. Drinking soda regularly can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

The Effects of Soda on Gastric Bypass Patients

Drinking soda after gastric bypass surgery can have several negative effects on patients. The first and most obvious effect is that it can cause weight gain. Soda is high in calories and sugar, which can quickly add up and undo the weight loss achieved through surgery. Additionally, the carbonation in soda can cause discomfort and pain for patients who have had their stomachs rearranged.

Alternatives to Soda

Fortunately, there are many alternatives to soda that gastric bypass patients can enjoy. One of the best options is water. Drinking water is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for gastric bypass patients. Water helps to keep the body hydrated, flush out toxins, and aid in digestion. Other great alternatives to soda include herbal tea, fruit-infused water, and low-sugar fruit juices.

Why Soda Is So Hard to Give Up

Despite the negative effects of soda on gastric bypass patients, many people find it hard to give it up. This is because soda is addictive. The sugar and caffeine in soda can give people a temporary energy boost and make them feel good. However, the long-term effects of soda are not worth the temporary pleasure.

Tips for Giving Up Soda

If you’re a gastric bypass patient who is struggling to give up soda, here are some tips that can help: – Start slow: Don’t try to quit soda cold turkey. Instead, gradually reduce your intake over time. – Find alternatives: Experiment with different drinks until you find ones that you enjoy. – Get support: Join a support group or talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about your struggles. – Stay motivated: Remember why you had gastric bypass surgery in the first place and how drinking soda can undo all of your progress.


In conclusion, drinking soda after gastric bypass surgery is not recommended. It can cause weight gain, discomfort, and pain. However, there are many alternatives to soda that patients can enjoy. Giving up soda can be hard, but with the right support and motivation, gastric bypass patients can make the necessary changes to improve their health and maintain their weight loss.