Can You Put A Suit In The Dryer?

TOP TROCK Dry Diving Suit Dryer


Suits are an essential part of our wardrobe, and we often wear them on special occasions. However, cleaning them can be a tricky task, and one of the most common questions that people ask is whether they can put a suit in the dryer. In this article, we will discuss whether it is safe to dry clean a suit or not.

Understanding the Fabric

Before we answer the question, it is essential to understand the fabric of the suit. Most suits are made of wool, which is a delicate fabric that requires gentle care. Wool fibers are prone to shrinking and felting, which can cause permanent damage to the suit. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid exposing wool suits to high heat.

The Risks of Putting a Suit in the Dryer

Putting a suit in the dryer can be risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to the fabric. The high heat and tumbling action of the dryer can cause the wool fibers to shrink and felt, which can result in a misshapen and unwearable suit. Moreover, the heat can also cause the colors to fade, and the fabric to lose its luster.

Alternatives to Drying a Suit

If you want to clean your suit, there are several alternatives to drying it in the dryer. One of the best ways to clean a suit is to take it to a professional dry cleaner. Dry cleaners have special equipment that can clean and press the suit without damaging the fabric. However, this can be expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

Hand Washing

Another alternative is to hand wash the suit. Fill a sink or a bathtub with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent. Gently swish the suit in the water for a few minutes and then rinse it with cold water. Hang the suit to dry, but make sure to avoid direct sunlight and high heat.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is also an excellent way to clean a suit without damaging the fabric. You can use a handheld steam cleaner or a professional steam cleaning machine to clean the suit. The steam will remove any dirt and grime from the suit without causing any damage to the fabric.


In conclusion, putting a suit in the dryer is not recommended as it can cause irreversible damage to the fabric. Instead, consider taking your suit to a professional dry cleaner or using alternative cleaning methods, such as hand washing or steam cleaning. Remember to always read the care label on your suit and follow the instructions carefully to ensure that it lasts for a long time.