Baking Soda And Vinegar For Toenail Fungus: A Natural Remedy

DIY Nail Fungus Remedy with Baking Soda & Apple Cider Vinegar

The Prevalence of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a fungal infection that occurs when fungus enters through a small cut in the toenail or the surrounding skin. The infection can cause the toenail to become thick, discolored, and brittle. It can also lead to pain and discomfort, making it difficult to walk or wear shoes.

Traditional Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Traditional treatments for toenail fungus include prescription medications, topical creams, and over-the-counter remedies. However, these treatments can be costly and may come with side effects. Some people also find that these treatments are not effective, leaving them with persistent toenail fungus.

The Benefits of Baking Soda and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar have been used for centuries as natural remedies for a variety of conditions, including toenail fungus. These ingredients are affordable, easy to find, and have few side effects. They also have antimicrobial properties that can help kill the fungus causing the infection.

The Recipe

To make a baking soda and vinegar solution for toenail fungus, mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar to form a paste. Apply the paste to the affected toenail and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the toenail with warm water and dry it thoroughly. Repeat this process twice a day for several weeks until the toenail fungus has cleared up.

Tips for Treating Toenail Fungus

In addition to using baking soda and vinegar, there are several other tips that can help treat toenail fungus. These include: – Keeping the feet clean and dry – Wearing breathable shoes and socks – Avoiding tight-fitting shoes – Using antifungal powders or sprays – Trimming the toenails regularly


Toenail fungus can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition, but there are natural remedies that can help. Baking soda and vinegar have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for toenail fungus and have few side effects. By using this remedy along with other tips for treating toenail fungus, you can help clear up the infection and get back to healthy, happy feet.