Can I Put My Build-A-Bear In The Dryer?

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If you’re a Build-A-Bear owner, you may be wondering if you can put your furry friend in the dryer. It’s a common question, but the answer isn’t always straightforward. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of putting your Build-A-Bear in the dryer.

The Pros of Putting Your Build-A-Bear in the Dryer:

One of the main benefits of putting your Build-A-Bear in the dryer is that it can help fluff up the stuffing. Over time, your Build-A-Bear may start to look a little flat or lumpy. Putting it in the dryer on a low heat setting can help redistribute the stuffing and give it a more even appearance.

The Cons of Putting Your Build-A-Bear in the Dryer:

Despite the potential benefits, there are also some risks associated with putting your Build-A-Bear in the dryer. First and foremost, the heat from the dryer can damage the fabric or fur of your Build-A-Bear. This can cause the colors to fade or the fabric to shrink, making your furry friend look less fluffy and cute than before.

Alternatives to Putting Your Build-A-Bear in the Dryer:

If you’re hesitant to put your Build-A-Bear in the dryer, there are some alternative methods you can try. For example, you can use a hair dryer on a low heat setting to fluff up the stuffing. Alternatively, you can gently shake your Build-A-Bear to redistribute the stuffing manually.

Tips for Safely Putting Your Build-A-Bear in the Dryer:

If you do decide to put your Build-A-Bear in the dryer, there are some tips you should follow to minimize the risk of damage. First, make sure to use a low heat setting and only dry for a short amount of time. Additionally, consider putting your Build-A-Bear in a pillowcase or laundry bag to protect it from the heat.


In conclusion, putting your Build-A-Bear in the dryer can be an effective way to fluff up the stuffing. However, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the risks of damage to the fabric or fur. If you choose to put your Build-A-Bear in the dryer, make sure to follow the tips above to minimize the risk of damage. Alternatively, consider using a hair dryer or manually fluffing the stuffing instead.