Can You Have A Beard In The Military?

Army Gives Norse Pagan Soldier Permission to Grow Beard


The military has always been known for its strict rules and regulations, and one of these rules is about facial hair. For many years, soldiers were required to be clean-shaven at all times. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of soldiers sporting beards. This has led many people to wonder whether or not it is allowed to have a beard in the military.

History of Facial Hair in the Military

Historically, the military has had a strict policy regarding facial hair. Soldiers were required to be clean-shaven at all times, with the exception of a few special circumstances. This policy was put in place for a number of reasons, including hygiene and uniformity. However, in recent years, the military has relaxed its policy on facial hair.

Current Policy on Facial Hair

The current policy on facial hair varies depending on the branch of the military. In general, beards are allowed in the military, but they must be kept neat and trimmed. Soldiers are not allowed to have beards that are longer than two inches, and they must be neatly trimmed around the edges. In addition, soldiers must maintain good hygiene and keep their beards clean and groomed at all times.

Reasons for Allowing Beards

There are a number of reasons why the military has relaxed its policy on facial hair in recent years. One reason is that beards can help to protect soldiers from the elements. A well-groomed beard can provide insulation and protection against wind and cold. In addition, beards can help to prevent skin irritation and other skin problems that can be caused by shaving.

Exceptions to the Rule

While beards are generally allowed in the military, there are some exceptions to the rule. For example, soldiers who are required to wear gas masks may not be allowed to have beards. This is because a beard can interfere with the seal of the gas mask, making it less effective. In addition, soldiers who are in training may be required to be clean-shaven in order to maintain uniformity.

Benefits of Having a Beard in the Military

There are a number of benefits to having a beard in the military. One benefit is that it can help to boost morale. Many soldiers feel that having a beard is a sign of masculinity and toughness, which can be important in a combat situation. In addition, a well-groomed beard can help to improve a soldier’s appearance and make them feel more confident.

Challenges of Having a Beard in the Military

While there are many benefits to having a beard in the military, there are also some challenges that soldiers may face. One challenge is that it can be difficult to maintain a beard in a combat situation. Soldiers may not always have access to the proper grooming tools, and may have to go for long periods of time without being able to properly groom their beard. In addition, beards can be uncomfortable in hot and humid environments, and may cause skin irritation.


In conclusion, soldiers are generally allowed to have beards in the military, but they must be kept neat and trimmed. There are a number of benefits to having a beard in the military, but there are also some challenges that soldiers may face. Ultimately, the decision to have a beard in the military is up to the individual soldier, and they must weigh the benefits and challenges before making a decision.