Can You Put Ice Cream In Coffee?

Easy NoChurn Coffee Ice Cream Crunchy Creamy Sweet


Coffee and ice cream are two of the most beloved foods in the world. It’s no wonder that people have wondered whether they can combine these two delicious treats. In this article, we will explore whether it’s possible to put ice cream in coffee and what the result might be.

What Happens When You Put Ice Cream in Coffee?

When you put ice cream in coffee, the ice cream will begin to melt and blend with the coffee. The result is a creamy, frothy mixture that is both sweet and savory. The combination of hot coffee and cold ice cream can be a delightful experience for your taste buds.

Why Put Ice Cream in Coffee?

There are many reasons why someone might want to put ice cream in their coffee. Perhaps they want to add some sweetness to their coffee or make it more creamy. Or maybe they just want to try something new and exciting. Whatever the reason, putting ice cream in coffee can be a fun and delicious experiment.

How to Put Ice Cream in Coffee

Putting ice cream in coffee is easy. Simply scoop a few spoonfuls of your favorite ice cream into your coffee mug or glass. Then, pour hot coffee over the ice cream and stir until the ice cream is fully incorporated. You can also add whipped cream or other toppings to make it even more decadent.

Types of Ice Cream to Use

When it comes to putting ice cream in coffee, there are no rules. You can use any type of ice cream that you like. However, some flavors may work better than others. Vanilla, chocolate, and caramel are all popular choices that blend well with coffee. Mint or fruity flavors may not be as successful.

Caffeine Content

It’s important to note that adding ice cream to your coffee may affect the caffeine content. While coffee typically has a high caffeine content, the addition of ice cream may dilute it. If you’re looking for a caffeine boost, you may want to stick with black coffee or espresso.

Alternative Options

If you’re not a fan of hot coffee, you can also try putting ice cream in iced coffee. Simply brew a pot of coffee and let it cool. Then, pour the cooled coffee over ice cream and stir. You can also add milk or cream for a creamier texture.


In conclusion, putting ice cream in coffee is a fun and delicious way to mix things up. Whether you’re looking to add some sweetness or make your coffee more creamy, ice cream is a great addition. So go ahead and give it a try – you might just discover your new favorite drink!