Can You Substitute Mint Extract For Peppermint Extract?

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If you’re an avid baker or cook, you may have found yourself in a situation where you needed peppermint extract but only had mint extract on hand (or vice versa). While both extracts come from the mint family, there are some differences between the two. In this article, we’ll explore whether you can substitute mint extract for peppermint extract and what you need to consider before doing so.

The Differences Between Mint Extract and Peppermint Extract

Mint extract is made from a mixture of spearmint and peppermint oils. It has a milder flavor and aroma compared to peppermint extract. Peppermint extract, on the other hand, is made solely from peppermint oil and has a stronger, more intense flavor and aroma.

Can You Substitute Mint Extract for Peppermint Extract?

The short answer is yes, you can substitute mint extract for peppermint extract (and vice versa). However, there are some things you need to consider before doing so.

Considerations Before Substituting

The first thing to consider is the recipe. If the recipe specifically calls for peppermint extract, it’s best to use peppermint extract to achieve the desired flavor. Substituting mint extract may result in a milder flavor that’s not as noticeable. Another thing to consider is the amount of extract needed. If the recipe calls for a small amount of extract (e.g. 1 teaspoon), then substituting may not make a significant difference. However, if the recipe calls for a larger amount (e.g. 1 tablespoon), then substituting may result in a noticeable difference in flavor.

When to Substitute

There are situations where substituting mint extract for peppermint extract (or vice versa) may be acceptable. For example, if you’re making a recipe that calls for peppermint extract but you don’t have any on hand, you can substitute mint extract and add a small amount of peppermint oil to enhance the flavor. Another situation where substituting may be acceptable is if you prefer a milder flavor. If you find that peppermint extract is too strong for your taste, using mint extract may give you the flavor you’re looking for.


In conclusion, while you can substitute mint extract for peppermint extract (and vice versa), there are some things you need to consider before doing so. It’s best to use the extract called for in the recipe to achieve the desired flavor, but there are situations where substituting may be acceptable. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and experimenting with different flavor combinations.