Cat Scratched My Eyelid: What You Need To Know

My cat has a scratch under his eyelid that he scratched at and it


As a pet owner, it’s not uncommon to experience scratches and bites from your furry friends. However, when a cat scratches your eyelid, it can be a scary and painful experience. In this article, we will discuss what you need to know if a cat scratches your eyelid and how to treat it.

Understanding Cat Scratches

Cats have sharp claws that they use for hunting, climbing, and self-defense. When a cat scratches you, their claws can penetrate the skin and leave small wounds. These wounds can become infected if not treated properly.

Why Do Cats Scratch?

Cats scratch for a variety of reasons, including marking their territory, stretching their muscles, and removing the dead outer layer of their claws. They may also scratch when they are feeling anxious or stressed.

What to Do When a Cat Scratches Your Eyelid

If a cat scratches your eyelid, it’s important to act quickly to prevent infection and reduce pain. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Wash the Wound

Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water to remove any dirt or debris. Be gentle when cleaning the area around your eye.

Step 2: Apply a Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and pain. You can use a clean washcloth or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel.

Step 3: Apply an Antibiotic Ointment

Apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin, to the wound to prevent infection. Be careful not to get the ointment in your eye.

Step 4: Seek Medical Attention

If the scratch is deep or bleeding heavily, seek medical attention immediately. You may need stitches or antibiotics to prevent infection.

Preventing Cat Scratches

The best way to prevent cat scratches is to understand your cat’s behavior and provide them with appropriate scratching surfaces. You can also trim your cat’s claws regularly and use soft paws to cover their claws.


If a cat scratches your eyelid, it’s important to take immediate action to prevent infection and reduce pain. Wash the wound, apply a cold compress, and seek medical attention if necessary. To prevent future scratches, provide your cat with appropriate scratching surfaces and trim their claws regularly.