Discover The Art Of Knife Sharpening In New Orleans

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New Orleans is a city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and mouth-watering cuisine. One of the key elements that make the food in the Big Easy so delicious is the use of sharp knives. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, having sharp knives is essential for cooking success. In this article, we will explore the art of knife sharpening in New Orleans.

The Importance of Sharp Knives

Sharp knives are essential in the kitchen. A dull knife not only makes cooking more difficult, but it can also be dangerous. When you use a dull knife, you’re more likely to apply more pressure, which can cause the knife to slip and cut you. Sharp knives allow you to make precise cuts, which is important when preparing ingredients for a dish.

The Knife Sharpening Process

There are different methods of knife sharpening, but the most common one is using a whetstone. A whetstone is a rectangular block of stone used to sharpen the edge of a knife. The process involves holding the knife at a specific angle and running it across the stone, gradually sharpening the blade.

Choosing the Right Whetstone

When choosing a whetstone, it’s important to consider the grit. The grit determines the coarseness of the stone, with higher numbers indicating a finer grit. For sharpening knives, a grit between 1000-3000 is recommended for beginners. As you become more experienced, you can move to higher grits for a finer edge.

Getting Professional Help

Knife sharpening can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to it. If you’re not confident in your ability to sharpen your knives, it’s best to seek the help of a professional. There are many knife sharpening services in New Orleans that can help you get your knives razor-sharp.

DIY Knife Sharpening

If you’re up for the challenge, you can sharpen your knives at home. To do this, you’ll need a whetstone, honing oil, and a towel. Place the whetstone on a flat surface and apply a few drops of honing oil to the stone. Hold the knife at a 20-degree angle and run it across the stone, starting at the base of the blade and moving towards the tip. Repeat this process on the other side of the blade.

Knife Sharpening Tools

In addition to whetstones, there are other tools you can use to sharpen your knives. Electric knife sharpeners are popular for their convenience, but they can be expensive. Manual sharpeners are more affordable and work well for maintaining the edge of your knives.

Maintaining Your Knives

Once you’ve sharpened your knives, it’s important to maintain them. Avoid using your knives on hard surfaces like glass or stone, as this can dull the blade. Store your knives in a knife block or on a magnetic strip to protect the blade from damage.


Knife sharpening is an essential skill for any cook. In New Orleans, there are many options for getting your knives sharpened, whether you choose to go to a professional or do it yourself. By keeping your knives sharp and well-maintained, you’ll be able to prepare your favorite dishes with ease and precision.