Discovering The Unique Flavors Of Japanese Ice Cream Treat 7 Little Words

Japanese Yubari melon softserve ice cream. Soft serve ice cream


When it comes to ice cream, Japan has taken the treat to a whole new level. With their unique flavor combinations and creative presentations, Japanese ice cream has captivated the world. One of the most popular Japanese ice cream treats is 7 Little Words. In this article, we will explore what 7 Little Words is, its history, and the flavors that make it a must-try dessert.

What is 7 Little Words?

7 Little Words is a popular ice cream treat in Japan that is made up of seven small scoops of ice cream flavors arranged in a line. It’s served on a long plate, and each scoop is meant to be savored and enjoyed one by one. The flavors are carefully chosen to complement each other, creating a delicious and unique dessert experience.

The History of 7 Little Words

7 Little Words was first introduced in Japan in the early 2000s. It quickly became a popular dessert in restaurants and ice cream shops throughout the country. The name “7 Little Words” comes from the seven different flavors of ice cream used in the treat. The concept behind it is to showcase the variety of flavors available in Japanese ice cream.

The Flavors of 7 Little Words

One of the things that make 7 Little Words so special is the unique flavor combinations. Here are some of the most popular flavors used in 7 Little Words:

Matcha: This is a green tea ice cream that is rich and creamy. It has a slightly bitter taste that is complemented by the sweetness of the other flavors.

Black Sesame: This is a nutty and earthy ice cream that is perfect for those who like their desserts a little less sweet.

Yuzu: This is a citrusy ice cream that is made from the yuzu fruit. It has a tangy and refreshing taste that is perfect for summer.

Sakura: This is a cherry blossom-flavored ice cream that is sweet and floral. It’s a popular flavor during the spring when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

Wasabi: This is a spicy ice cream that is made from the wasabi plant. It has a unique flavor that is perfect for those who like to try something new.


7 Little Words is a unique and delicious ice cream treat that is worth trying if you ever visit Japan. With its carefully chosen flavor combinations and creative presentation, it’s no wonder why it has become such a popular dessert in the country. So, the next time you’re in Japan, be sure to try 7 Little Words and experience the flavors of Japanese ice cream.