Do Dryer Sheets Keep Gnats Away?

Green Pest Solutions 1 Local Exterminator for Insects & Pests

The Problem with Gnats

Gnats are pesky insects that can quickly infest your home. They are attracted to moist environments and can be found in areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. Gnats can be difficult to get rid of, and many people are looking for ways to keep them away. One popular solution is the use of dryer sheets.

How Dryer Sheets Work

Dryer sheets are designed to soften clothes and reduce static cling. They contain chemicals such as benzyl acetate, which is a natural compound found in many flowers. This compound has been shown to repel insects, including gnats. When dryer sheets are used in areas where gnats are present, the scent of the sheets can keep the insects away.

Effectiveness of Dryer Sheets

While many people swear by the use of dryer sheets to repel gnats, there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. Some studies have shown that certain compounds found in dryer sheets can repel certain insects, but the effectiveness of these compounds on gnats is still unknown. It is important to note that dryer sheets are not a foolproof solution and may not work for everyone.

Other Ways to Repel Gnats

If dryer sheets are not effective in keeping gnats away, there are other natural solutions that may work. One option is to use essential oils such as peppermint or lavender, which have been shown to repel insects. Another option is to use a vinegar trap, which involves placing apple cider vinegar in a container with a few drops of dish soap. The vinegar attracts the gnats, while the dish soap makes it difficult for them to escape.

Preventing Gnats

The best way to deal with gnats is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. This can be done by keeping your home clean and dry, and by sealing any gaps or cracks in doors or windows. It is also important to avoid leaving food or standing water out, as these can attract gnats.


While dryer sheets may be effective in repelling gnats, there is no guarantee that they will work for everyone. If you are dealing with a gnat infestation, it is important to try a variety of solutions to find what works best for you. By keeping your home clean and dry and using natural solutions such as essential oils or vinegar traps, you can prevent gnats from becoming a problem in your home.