Easy Bat Nail Art

Halloween Nail Art Inspiration! Blog by Pampadour Halloween bat


Looking for a quick and easy way to spruce up your nails this Halloween season? Look no further than this easy bat nail art tutorial! With just a few simple steps, you’ll have a spooky and stylish manicure that’s sure to turn heads.

What You’ll Need

Before we begin, let’s gather the supplies you’ll need to create this look. You’ll need a base coat, a black nail polish, a white nail polish, a fine-tipped brush, and a toothpick.

Step 1: Apply Your Base Coat

To start, apply a base coat to all of your nails. This will help protect your nails and ensure that your polish goes on smoothly.

Step 2: Paint Your Nails Black

Next, apply two coats of black nail polish to all of your nails and let them dry completely. This will serve as the base color for your bat design.

Step 3: Create Your Bat Wings

Using your fine-tipped brush and white nail polish, create a small “V” shape at the base of your nail. This will serve as the body of your bat. Then, create two curved lines above the “V” to create the wings. Fill in the wings with white polish, leaving a small space at the top for the bat’s head.

Step 4: Add Your Bat’s Head

Using your toothpick and black nail polish, add a small circle at the top of the wings to create your bat’s head. Then, add two small dots for eyes using your toothpick and white nail polish.

Step 5: Finish with a Top Coat

Once your bat design is complete and has dried completely, finish with a top coat to seal in your design and add some extra shine.

Tips and Tricks

– If you’re having trouble creating the bat wings with your brush, try using a stencil or tape to guide your lines. – Don’t worry if your bat design isn’t perfect! The beauty of this design is in its imperfections. – If you don’t have a fine-tipped brush, you can use a toothpick or a striping brush to create your design.


There you have it – an easy and spooky bat nail art design that’s perfect for Halloween! With just a few simple steps and some basic supplies, you can create a unique and stylish manicure that’s sure to impress. Have fun with this design and make it your own by experimenting with different colors and shapes. Happy Halloween!