Exploring The Taboo: Threesome Cream Pie Eating In 2023

Nutella, Chocolate & Caramel Ice Cream Pie Eat In Eat Out Recipe

What is Threesome Cream Pie Eating?

If you’re not familiar with the term, threesome cream pie eating is a sexual act in which three people engage in intercourse, and one partner ejaculates inside the other partner’s vagina or anus. The third partner then proceeds to “clean up” the mess by orally consuming the semen from the orifice.

Why is it Considered Taboo?

Threesome cream pie eating is considered taboo because it involves multiple partners and the consumption of bodily fluids. Society has long considered sex and sexual acts to be private matters, and the idea of sharing such an intimate experience with more than one person is often frowned upon.

Is it Safe?

Like any sexual act, threesome cream pie eating carries some risks. The most significant risk is the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It is essential to ensure that all partners are tested and free of STIs before engaging in any sexual activity.

Tips for Engaging in Threesome Cream Pie Eating

If you’re interested in exploring threesome cream pie eating, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Communication is Key

Before engaging in any sexual activity, it’s crucial to communicate with your partners. Discuss your boundaries, desires, and expectations to ensure everyone is on the same page.

2. Use Protection

While there is no risk of pregnancy during threesome cream pie eating, there is still a risk of contracting STIs. Use condoms and dental dams to reduce the risk of transmission.

3. Practice Safe Oral Sex

When engaging in oral sex, it’s essential to practice safe techniques. Use a dental dam or plastic wrap to create a barrier between the mouth and genitals to reduce the risk of STI transmission.

4. Take it Slow

Threesome cream pie eating is a highly intimate experience, and it’s essential to take things slow. Start with light kissing and touching before moving on to more intense activities.

5. Respect Each Other’s Boundaries

Everyone has different boundaries, and it’s crucial to respect them. If one partner is uncomfortable with a particular activity, it’s essential to stop and discuss alternative options.

Review of Threesome Cream Pie Eating

Threesome cream pie eating is a highly intimate and taboo sexual act that requires communication, respect, and safety precautions. While it may not be for everyone, those who are interested in exploring this experience can do so safely with the right precautions.

Tutorial: How to Clean Up After Threesome Cream Pie Eating

If you’re the partner responsible for cleaning up after threesome cream pie eating, here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Prepare

Before engaging in any sexual activity, prepare for cleanup. Have a towel or tissue nearby to clean up any excess fluids.

2. Communicate

Before engaging in any sexual activity, communicate with your partners. Let them know that you’re willing to clean up after the act.

3. Get in Position

Once the act is complete, get in a comfortable position to begin cleaning up. Consider using a disposable pad or towel to catch any excess fluids.

4. Use Your Mouth

Using your mouth, begin to clean up any excess fluids from the orifice. Be gentle and take your time to ensure a thorough cleanup.

5. Spit or Swallow

Once the cleanup is complete, decide whether to spit or swallow the fluids. If you’re uncomfortable with swallowing, spit the fluids into a tissue or disposable pad.


Threesome cream pie eating is a highly intimate and taboo sexual act that requires communication, respect, and safety precautions. While it may not be for everyone, those who are interested in exploring this experience can do so safely with the right precautions. If you’re interested in trying it out, be sure to discuss it with your partners, use protection, and take things slow.