How Can I Smell My Own Breath?

How to Smell Your Own Breath to See If You Have Bad Breath MANSCAPED


We all know how important it is to have fresh breath. It not only makes us feel confident but also helps in maintaining good oral hygiene. But have you ever wondered how you can check your own breath without anyone’s help? In this article, we will be discussing some tips on how you can smell your own breath.

Why Do We Need To Check Our Breath?

Before we move on to the tips, let’s first understand why it is important to check our breath. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused due to various reasons such as poor oral hygiene, gum diseases, dry mouth, smoking, etc. If left unchecked, it can lead to embarrassment and even affect our personal and professional relationships.

Tip #1: Lick Your Wrist

One of the easiest ways to check your breath is by licking your wrist and smelling it after a few seconds. This is because the skin on our wrist is thin and can give an accurate smell of our breath. If you notice any foul smell, it’s time to brush your teeth or use a mouthwash.

Tip #2: Use A Spoon

Another way to check your breath is by using a spoon. Simply scrape your tongue with a spoon and smell it. If it smells bad, it’s time to clean your tongue properly as it is one of the major causes of bad breath.

Tip #3: Floss

Flossing is an important part of oral hygiene and can also help in checking your breath. Floss your teeth and smell the floss. If it smells bad, it’s a sign that you need to improve your flossing technique or visit a dentist.

Tip #4: Chew Parsley

Parsley is known for its ability to freshen breath. Chew on a fresh sprig of parsley for a few minutes and then smell your breath. It should smell fresh and pleasant.

Tip #5: Drink Water

Drinking water can also help in checking your breath. Swish some water in your mouth for a few seconds and then smell it. If it smells bad, it’s time to drink more water and hydrate yourself.

Tip #6: Use A Mouthwash

Using a mouthwash can also help in checking your breath. Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash and then smell your breath. If it smells fresh, you’re good to go.

Tip #7: Visit A Dentist

If you have persistent bad breath despite following good oral hygiene practices, it’s time to visit a dentist. They can help in identifying the underlying cause and provide the necessary treatment.


Checking your own breath is important for maintaining good oral hygiene and avoiding embarrassing situations. By following these tips, you can easily check your own breath and take the necessary steps to keep it fresh and pleasant. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day, floss regularly, and visit a dentist regularly for a healthy smile.