How Long Does Amber Have To Pay Johnny?

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finalize 7 million divorce CBS News

A Brief Background

Amber and Johnny have been in a legal battle for quite some time now. The two actors were married for just over a year before Amber filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences. What followed was a messy divorce battle that brought to light allegations of domestic violence and drug abuse.

The Settlement

In August of 2016, Amber and Johnny reached a settlement in their divorce case. The terms of the settlement were not made public, but it was reported that Amber would receive $7 million dollars in the settlement. The settlement also included a restraining order against Johnny, which required him to stay away from Amber.

The Payment Schedule

As part of the settlement, Johnny was required to pay Amber the $7 million dollars she was awarded. However, the payment schedule was not made public at the time of the settlement. It was later revealed that Johnny had agreed to pay Amber the $7 million dollars in installments.

The Installments

Johnny was required to make a total of 12 payments to Amber, with the first payment being made in 2016. The remaining payments were to be made over the course of the next few years. The exact dates of the payments were not made public, but it was reported that the payments were to be made on a monthly basis.

The Missed Payments

In 2020, it was reported that Johnny had missed several payments to Amber. It was reported that Johnny had missed a total of 5 payments, which amounted to over $3 million dollars. Amber’s legal team filed a motion to hold Johnny in contempt of court for failing to make the payments.

The Resolved Issue

In November of 2020, it was reported that Johnny had finally paid Amber the full $7 million dollars he owed her. The issue was resolved after a long legal battle that saw both parties making accusations against each other.

Tips for Dealing with Divorce Settlements

If you find yourself in a situation similar to Amber and Johnny’s, there are a few things you can do to make the process smoother:

Hire a Good Lawyer

Having a good lawyer on your side can make all the difference in a divorce settlement. They can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that you receive a fair settlement.

Communicate With Your Ex

While it may be difficult, communicating with your ex can help to avoid misunderstandings and speed up the settlement process. If both parties are willing to work together, the settlement process can be much smoother.

Stick to the Payment Schedule

If you are required to make payments as part of a settlement, make sure you stick to the payment schedule. Missing payments can result in legal action being taken against you.


In conclusion, Amber and Johnny’s legal battle was a long and messy one. However, with the help of a good lawyer and communication between both parties, the settlement process can be much smoother. If you find yourself in a similar situation, make sure to follow the tips outlined above and stick to the payment schedule to avoid any legal issues.