How Much Was Belle’s Bath Water?

Belle Delphine Bath Water SOLD OUT in ONE DAY YouTube

The Controversial Trend

In 2019, a new trend emerged in the gaming community where people were willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a jar of Belle Delphine’s bathwater. Belle Delphine, a popular internet personality, claimed that the water was from her bath and sold it for $30 per jar. The trend quickly became viral and received extensive media coverage, with many people questioning the sanity of those who would spend so much money on such a bizarre product.

The Price of Fame

Belle Delphine’s rise to fame can be attributed to her provocative content on social media platforms such as Instagram and OnlyFans. She has a massive following, and her fans are willing to pay for access to her exclusive content. However, the bathwater trend took things to a whole new level, and Belle Delphine’s fame skyrocketed as a result.

The Price of a Jar of Bathwater

As mentioned earlier, Belle Delphine was selling her bathwater for $30 per jar. This may seem like a lot of money for something that is essentially just water, but her fans were willing to pay the price. The jars sold out within a matter of days, and many resellers were offering the same product at much higher prices.

The Controversy Surrounding the Trend

The bathwater trend received a lot of criticism, with many people claiming that it was a scam and that the water was not really from Belle Delphine’s bath. Others criticized the trend for being sexist and objectifying women. Despite the controversy, the trend continued to gain momentum, and Belle Delphine continued to sell more jars of bathwater.

The Aftermath of the Trend

The bathwater trend eventually died down, and Belle Delphine moved on to other ventures. However, the controversy surrounding the trend continued to linger, and many people still question the sanity of those who were willing to pay so much money for a jar of bathwater.

The Legacy of the Bathwater Trend

The bathwater trend may have been a passing fad, but it left a lasting impact on the internet culture. It highlighted the power of social media influencers and the willingness of their followers to pay for exclusive content. It also sparked a debate on the objectification of women in the gaming community and the need for more diversity and inclusivity.


In conclusion, the bathwater trend was a bizarre yet fascinating phenomenon that took the internet by storm in 2019. While the price of a jar of Belle Delphine’s bathwater may seem outrageous, it was a reflection of the power of social media influencers and the willingness of their followers to pay for exclusive content. The controversy surrounding the trend also highlighted the need for more diversity and inclusivity in the gaming community.