How To Fix Dried Mascara

How to Apply Mascara Mascara Tips and Tricks! in 2021 Mascara tips


Mascara is an essential cosmetic product that enhances the beauty of eyes. It adds volume and length to the eyelashes, making them look fuller and thicker. However, using dried mascara can ruin the entire look, making the eyelashes look clumpy and flaky. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to fix dried mascara and get the perfect look.

Why Mascara Dries Out

Mascara dries out due to various reasons such as exposure to air, old age, and frequent usage. When the mascara tube is opened and closed multiple times, it allows air to enter, causing the mascara to dry out. Similarly, when the mascara is kept for a long time, it loses its moisture content, making it dry and flaky.

How to Fix Dried Mascara

There are several ways to fix dried mascara, and some of them are mentioned below:

1. Add Eye Drops

One of the easiest ways to fix dried mascara is by adding a few drops of eye drops to the tube. Eye drops contain saline solution, which helps to moisten the mascara and make it less clumpy. However, make sure to shake the mascara tube well after adding the eye drops to mix it properly.

2. Use Hot Water

Another way to fix dried mascara is by placing the closed mascara tube in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. The heat from the water will help to loosen the mascara and make it smooth. After taking out the mascara tube from the hot water, wipe it with a tissue paper and use it.

3. Use Mascara Primer

Using a mascara primer can also help to fix dried mascara. Mascara primers are designed to add moisture to the mascara, making it smooth and easy to apply. Apply the mascara primer before using the dried mascara to get the desired results.

4. Add Oil

Another way to fix dried mascara is by adding a few drops of oil to the tube. You can use any oil such as coconut oil, castor oil, or even olive oil. The oil helps to moisturize the mascara and make it smooth. However, make sure not to add too much oil as it can make the mascara too thin.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is better than cure, and the same applies to mascara. To prevent mascara from drying out, you can follow these tips:

1. Store Properly

Always store your mascara in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid storing it in the bathroom as the humidity can cause the mascara to dry out quickly.

2. Avoid Pumping

Avoid pumping the mascara wand in and out of the tube as it allows air to enter, causing the mascara to dry out.

3. Replace after Three Months

Mascara should be replaced after three months to prevent it from drying out and to avoid the risk of bacterial infection.


Dried mascara can ruin the entire look, but with the above-mentioned tips, you can fix it and get the perfect look. However, it is essential to take preventive measures to avoid mascara from drying out. Follow these tips, and you will never have to worry about dried mascara again.