How To Make A Unique Christmas Tree Using Ice Cream Cones

Ice Cream Cone Christmas Trees Vicky Barone


Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, and what better way to make the season more special than by creating a unique Christmas tree using ice cream cones? This is a fun and easy project that you can do with your family and friends. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to make this beautiful and delicious creation.

Materials Needed

To create your ice cream cone Christmas tree, you will need the following materials:

  • Ice cream cones
  • Green food coloring
  • Buttercream frosting
  • Sprinkles
  • A cone-shaped base (such as a Styrofoam cone or a sugar cone)
  • A piping bag

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Color the Frosting

To create the perfect shade of green for your Christmas tree, add a few drops of green food coloring to your buttercream frosting. Mix well until you achieve the desired shade.

Step 2: Frost the Cones

Using your piping bag, frost the ice cream cones with your green buttercream frosting. Make sure to cover the entire cone with frosting, leaving no gaps.

Step 3: Add Sprinkles

Sprinkle your favorite holiday-themed sprinkles onto the frosted cones. You can use red and white sprinkles to create a candy cane effect, or gold and silver sprinkles for a more elegant look.

Step 4: Build the Tree

Place your cone-shaped base onto a flat surface. Starting at the bottom, place your frosted cones onto the base, pressing them firmly into the base so they don’t fall over. Work your way up the base, adding more cones as you go, until you reach the top.

Step 5: Add the Finishing Touches

Once your tree is complete, you can add some finishing touches to make it even more special. You can add a star-shaped cookie at the top of the tree, or use a small candy cane to create a garland effect.

Tips and Tricks

  • If you don’t have a cone-shaped base, you can use a cake stand or a piece of cardboard cut into a cone shape.
  • If you want to make your tree more colorful, you can use different shades of green frosting or add some red frosting for a festive touch.
  • If you’re short on time, you can use store-bought frosting and pre-made ice cream cones.
  • Make sure to store your finished tree in a cool place to prevent the frosting from melting.


Creating a Christmas tree using ice cream cones is a fun and unique way to celebrate the holiday season. With just a few materials and some creativity, you can create a beautiful and delicious masterpiece that will impress your family and friends. Give it a try this holiday season and enjoy the festive spirit!