How To Strip Wax Off Tile Floor: A Comprehensive Guide

Floor Care with Facility Pros Stripping, Waxing, Sealing, Carpet Cleaning

The Importance of Stripping Wax Off Tile Floors

Tile floors are a popular choice for both residential and commercial spaces due to their durability and ease of maintenance. However, over time, the build-up of wax and other cleaning agents can cause the floors to lose their shine and become dull. This is where stripping wax off tile floors becomes important. By removing the old wax, you can restore the shine and make your tile floors look brand new.

Materials Needed for Stripping Wax Off Tile Floors

Before you start the process of stripping wax off your tile floors, you will need to gather the necessary materials. These include: – Chemical stripper – Scrub brush – Bucket – Mop – Protective gear (gloves, goggles, mask)

Steps to Strip Wax Off Tile Floors

Now that you have gathered all the necessary materials, it is time to start the process of stripping wax off your tile floors. Follow these steps: 1. Clear the floor of any furniture or obstacles. 2. Put on your protective gear. 3. Dilute the chemical stripper as per the manufacturer’s instructions. 4. Apply the stripper to a small section of the floor using a brush or mop. 5. Let the stripper sit for the recommended amount of time. 6. Scrub the area with a scrub brush to remove the wax. 7. Rinse the area with water to remove any remaining wax and stripper. 8. Repeat the process until the entire floor has been stripped. 9. Let the floor dry completely before applying a new coat of wax.

Tips for Stripping Wax Off Tile Floors

– Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a chemical stripper. – Work in small sections to avoid the stripper from drying out. – Use a scrub brush with stiff bristles to effectively remove the wax. – Rinse the area thoroughly with water to remove any remaining stripper or wax. – Make sure the floor is completely dry before applying a new coat of wax.


Stripping wax off tile floors may seem like a daunting task, but with the right materials and a little bit of patience, it can be done easily. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can restore the shine to your tile floors and make them look brand new again. Remember to always wear protective gear and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using a chemical stripper.