Is Banana Boat Sunscreen Biodegradable?

Banana Boat Ultra Sport Sunscreen Lotion SPF 15, 8 oz


Sunscreen is an essential product that we use to protect our skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. With increasing awareness about the environment, people are now concerned about the impact of sunscreen on the environment, especially on the ocean’s coral reefs. One of the most popular sunscreen brands, Banana Boat, has come under scrutiny for its impact on the environment. In this article, we will discuss whether Banana Boat sunscreen is biodegradable or not.

What is Biodegradable?

Biodegradable refers to the ability of a substance to break down naturally, without causing any harm to the environment. Biodegradable substances are usually broken down by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, present in the environment. Biodegradable substances do not leave any harmful residue behind and are considered to be eco-friendly.

Banana Boat Sunscreen Ingredients

Banana Boat sunscreen contains several ingredients that are not biodegradable. One of the main ingredients is oxybenzone, which is known to harm coral reefs. Oxybenzone can cause coral bleaching, which can lead to the death of coral reefs. Other ingredients, such as octinoxate and butylparaben, are also known to be harmful to the environment.

Impact on the Environment

When we swim in the ocean wearing sunscreen, the sunscreen can wash off our skin and enter the ocean. The harmful ingredients in the sunscreen can then harm the coral reefs and other marine life. Studies have shown that the chemicals in sunscreen can cause coral bleaching, damage DNA in marine organisms, and disrupt the reproductive systems of fish.

Biodegradable Sunscreen

To address the issue of sunscreen harming the environment, many companies have started producing biodegradable sunscreens. Biodegradable sunscreens are made from natural ingredients that do not harm the environment. These sunscreens break down naturally and do not leave any harmful residue behind.

Banana Boat Biodegradable Sunscreen

Banana Boat has introduced a biodegradable sunscreen called Simply Protect. This sunscreen is made from natural ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Simply Protect does not contain any harmful chemicals and is safe for the environment. It is also water-resistant for up to 80 minutes, making it an excellent choice for outdoor activities.

How to Use Biodegradable Sunscreen

When using biodegradable sunscreen, it is essential to apply it correctly. Apply the sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going out in the sun. Reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours or after swimming or sweating. When swimming in the ocean, try to wear a rash guard and avoid applying sunscreen directly on your skin.


In conclusion, Banana Boat sunscreen is not biodegradable, and its ingredients can harm the environment. However, Banana Boat has introduced a biodegradable sunscreen called Simply Protect, which is made from natural ingredients and is safe for the environment. When using sunscreen, it is essential to choose a biodegradable option and apply it correctly to minimize its impact on the environment.