Is Home Depot An Essential Store?

Why Home Depot (HD) Is One of The Only Big Retailers That’s Succeeding


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses were forced to shut down to prevent the spread of the virus. However, some essential businesses were allowed to continue operating to provide important goods and services to the public. One of these businesses is Home Depot, a home improvement and construction retailer. In this article, we will explore whether Home Depot is an essential store and why.

What is an Essential Store?

An essential store is a business that provides goods or services that are necessary for the survival, health, or safety of the public. During a crisis or emergency, such as a pandemic, essential stores are allowed to remain open to ensure that people have access to essential items. These stores can include grocery stores, pharmacies, and hardware stores, among others.

Home Depot’s Role During the Pandemic

Home Depot has been deemed an essential store during the COVID-19 pandemic because it provides important goods and services to the public. Home Depot sells essential items like cleaning supplies, safety equipment, and tools that people need to maintain and repair their homes. Additionally, Home Depot plays a crucial role in supporting the construction industry, which is also considered essential.

Measures Taken by Home Depot to Ensure Safety

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, Home Depot has implemented various safety measures in its stores. These measures include requiring customers and employees to wear masks, practicing social distancing, and providing hand sanitizing stations throughout the store. Home Depot also offers curbside pickup and delivery options to minimize contact between customers and employees.

The Importance of Home Depot During Emergencies

Home Depot is not only essential during the COVID-19 pandemic but also during other emergencies like natural disasters. During hurricanes, floods, and other disasters, Home Depot provides important supplies like generators, tarps, and plywood to help people secure their homes and property. Home Depot also works with first responders and emergency management teams to provide assistance during these events.

The Economic Impact of Home Depot

Home Depot is not only important for its role in providing essential goods and services, but also for its economic impact. Home Depot employs over 400,000 people and generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. Additionally, Home Depot supports many small businesses by providing them with the tools and supplies they need to operate.


In conclusion, Home Depot is an essential store that plays a crucial role in providing goods and services to the public. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Home Depot has implemented various safety measures to ensure the safety of its customers and employees. Home Depot is also important during other emergencies like natural disasters and supports small businesses. As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, Home Depot will remain an important part of our communities.