Palm Oil Vs Palm Kernel Oil In Soap Making: Which One Is Better?

Today I want to make soaps with Palm Kernel Oil and Palm Oil. These


If you’re a soap maker, you’ve probably heard of palm oil and palm kernel oil. These two oils are commonly used in soap making because of their unique properties. However, many people are confused about the differences between palm oil and palm kernel oil, and which one is better. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between palm oil and palm kernel oil, and help you decide which one to use in your soap making.

What is Palm Oil?

Palm oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree. It is a popular oil in soap making because it creates a hard bar of soap with a creamy lather. Palm oil is also high in saturated fat, which makes it very stable and resistant to oxidation. This means that soap made with palm oil has a longer shelf life than other soaps.

What is Palm Kernel Oil?

Palm kernel oil is also extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, but from the kernel rather than the fruit itself. It is a lighter oil than palm oil and is often used in soap making for its ability to create a hard bar of soap. Palm kernel oil is also high in lauric acid, which gives it antimicrobial properties.

Environmental Concerns

One of the biggest concerns with palm oil and palm kernel oil is the environmental impact of their production. Many oil palm plantations are created by destroying rainforests and displacing indigenous peoples. This has led to a significant loss of biodiversity and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. However, there are sustainable and ethical sources of palm oil and palm kernel oil available, such as those certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Health Concerns

Another concern with palm oil and palm kernel oil is their high levels of saturated fat. While saturated fat is not inherently bad for you, it has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. It’s important to use these oils in moderation and to balance them with other oils that are high in unsaturated fats, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

Soap Making Properties

When it comes to soap making, both palm oil and palm kernel oil have their own unique properties. Palm oil creates a hard bar of soap with a creamy lather, while palm kernel oil creates a harder bar of soap with a bubbly lather. Soap made with palm kernel oil also tends to be more cleansing than soap made with palm oil.

Choosing the Right Oil for Your Soap

When choosing between palm oil and palm kernel oil for your soap making, it’s important to consider the properties you want in your soap. If you’re looking for a hard bar of soap with a creamy lather, palm oil might be the better choice. If you want a harder bar of soap with a bubbly lather, palm kernel oil might be the way to go. You can also use a blend of both oils to achieve the properties you’re looking for.


In conclusion, both palm oil and palm kernel oil have their own unique properties and benefits when it comes to soap making. However, it’s important to consider the environmental and health impacts of these oils, and to choose sustainable and ethical sources when possible. Ultimately, the choice between these two oils will depend on the specific properties you want in your soap.