Polishing The Brass On The Titanic: A Futile Endeavor

Been Down So Long Its Up We're All Polishing the Brass on the Titanic

The Titanic and Its Tragic Fate

The RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that famously sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City in 1912, resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people. The ship was considered unsinkable at the time, but a collision with an iceberg proved otherwise. Despite the ship’s grandeur and luxury, it ultimately met a tragic fate.

The Importance of Polishing Brass on the Titanic

Polishing the brass on the Titanic was an important task for the ship’s crew. It added to the ship’s aesthetic appeal and was a sign of luxury and elegance. The brass components, such as railings, door handles, and light fixtures, were a prominent feature on the ship and required regular maintenance to keep them shining.

The Futility of Polishing Brass on the Titanic

However, in the grand scheme of things, polishing the brass on the Titanic was a futile endeavor. The ship’s ultimate fate was not determined by the shine of its brass components, but rather by structural flaws and unforeseen circumstances. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, no matter how much effort we put into something, the outcome is out of our control.

Lessons from the Titanic

The sinking of the Titanic was a tragedy that shocked the world and led to significant changes in the shipping industry. It also provides us with valuable lessons that can be applied to our daily lives.

Focus on What Matters

One of the lessons we can learn from the Titanic is the importance of focusing on what really matters. The crew spent time and resources polishing the brass components, but ultimately, it did not make a difference in the ship’s fate. In our own lives, we should prioritize the things that truly matter and not get caught up in superficial concerns.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Another lesson from the Titanic is the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. The ship was considered unsinkable, but when disaster struck, the crew was not equipped to handle it. We should always be prepared for the unexpected, whether it’s through emergency planning or simply having a backup plan in case things don’t go as expected.


In conclusion, polishing the brass on the Titanic may have been an important task, but ultimately, it was a futile endeavor. The ship’s fate was determined by factors beyond the crew’s control. However, we can learn valuable lessons from the tragedy, such as the importance of focusing on what matters and being prepared for the unexpected. Let us remember the lessons of the Titanic and apply them to our own lives.