Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser Drug Test Reviews

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Drug testing has become a common practice in many organizations, schools, and even for personal reasons. It is important to have a reliable and effective way to pass these tests, especially if you have used drugs recently. One of the popular products in the market is the Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser. In this article, we will review this product and provide you with all the information you need to know about it.

What is Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser?

Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser is a detox drink that is formulated to help you pass a drug test. It is designed to flush out the toxins from your body and help you maintain a clean system for a few hours. This product is available in the market in different sizes, and the instructions for use may vary depending on the size of the bottle.

How does it work?

The Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to cleanse your body of toxins. These ingredients include vitamins, minerals, and herbs that help to increase urine flow, remove toxins, and replenish nutrients lost during the detox process. The product also contains creatine, which helps to restore the creatinine levels in your urine, which may be lowered due to the detoxification process.

How to use Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser?

To use the Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser, you need to follow the instructions provided on the bottle. In general, you need to drink the entire contents of the bottle at least one hour before the drug test. After drinking the product, you need to refill the bottle with water and drink that as well. It is important to avoid any food or drinks for at least two hours before the test.

Pros of Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser

  • It is an effective way to pass a drug test.
  • The product is easy to use.
  • The ingredients are natural and safe for consumption.
  • The product is available in different sizes to suit your needs.

Cons of Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser

  • The product may not work for everyone, depending on various factors such as the type of drug used, the frequency of use, and the individual’s metabolism.
  • The product is relatively expensive compared to other detox products in the market.


If you are looking for a reliable and effective way to pass a drug test, Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser may be the product for you. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and give yourself enough time before the test to ensure that the product works effectively. While there are some cons to using this product, the pros outweigh them, and it is worth considering if you want to pass a drug test. Remember, it is always best to avoid using drugs altogether, but if you have used them, Puriclean Instant Max Cleanser may be able to help you.