Retinoid Cream For Nail Psoriasis: A Comprehensive Guide

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Living with nail psoriasis can be a challenging experience. It not only affects the nails but also causes discomfort and pain. However, with the advancement of medical science, we have a solution to this problem – retinoid cream.

What is Nail Psoriasis?

Nail psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the nails. It causes the nails to become thick, discolored, and brittle. It can also lead to the separation of the nail from the nail bed.

What is Retinoid Cream?

Retinoid cream is a derivative of vitamin A that is commonly used to treat acne. However, it has also proven to be effective in treating nail psoriasis.

How Does Retinoid Cream Work?

Retinoid cream works by regulating the growth and differentiation of skin cells. In the case of nail psoriasis, it helps to reduce the thickening of the nail and prevent the separation of the nail from the nail bed.

How to Use Retinoid Cream?

Retinoid cream should be applied to the affected nails once a day. It is important to apply it to the entire nail and the surrounding skin. It is recommended to use it for at least six months to see significant improvement.


Retinoid cream should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It can also cause skin irritation, dryness, and peeling. It is advised to use a moisturizer alongside the cream.

Other Treatment Options

Retinoid cream is not the only treatment option for nail psoriasis. Other options include topical corticosteroids, phototherapy, and systemic medications.


Retinoid cream is an effective treatment option for nail psoriasis. It works by regulating the growth and differentiation of skin cells, reducing the thickening of the nail, and preventing separation from the nail bed. It should be used for at least six months to see significant improvement. However, it is important to use it with caution and follow the precautions. Consult with your dermatologist to determine the best treatment plan for you.