Soda And Mentos Experiment: An Explanation

Soda and Mentos Easy Science Experiments for Kids


The Soda and Mentos experiment is a popular science experiment that has been around for decades. It involves dropping Mentos candies into a bottle of soda and observing the resulting eruption. The experiment has become a favorite among science enthusiasts and is a common feature in science fairs and classrooms.

How Does It Work?

The Soda and Mentos experiment works because of a chemical reaction that occurs when Mentos candies are dropped into soda. The candies contain small pits on their surface that act as nucleation sites. When the Mentos are dropped into the soda, the carbon dioxide gas in the soda is rapidly released from the soda in the form of bubbles. The bubbles grow until they reach the surface and escape, causing the soda to erupt.

The Science Behind It

The reason why the Soda and Mentos experiment works has to do with the surface tension of the soda. Surface tension is the property of a liquid that causes it to resist external forces. In the case of soda, the surface tension is caused by the carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the liquid. When the Mentos are dropped into the soda, the surface tension is broken, and the carbon dioxide gas is rapidly released from the soda. This causes a chain reaction, where the carbon dioxide bubbles grow and rise to the surface. The eruption continues until all the carbon dioxide gas has been released from the soda.

The Variables that Affect the Experiment

Several variables can affect the Soda and Mentos experiment. The first is the type of soda used. The experiment works best with diet soda because it contains artificial sweeteners that cause a stronger reaction. The second variable is the number of Mentos used. The more Mentos that are dropped into the soda, the bigger the eruption will be.

Safety Precautions

While the Soda and Mentos experiment is relatively safe, it is essential to take some precautions. First, the experiment should be conducted outside or in a well-ventilated area. Second, eye protection should be worn to prevent any soda from getting into the eyes. Finally, the experiment should be conducted under adult supervision.

The History of the Experiment

The Soda and Mentos experiment has been around for decades, but it wasn’t until 2005 that it gained widespread popularity. A video of the experiment went viral on the internet, and it quickly became a sensation. Since then, the experiment has been featured on numerous TV shows and has become a staple in science classrooms and fairs.

Alternative Experiments

While the Soda and Mentos experiment is undoubtedly the most popular, there are several alternative experiments that can be done. These include dropping other objects into soda, such as raisins or popcorn. The results are similar, but the reactions are not as strong as with Mentos.


The Soda and Mentos experiment is a fun and exciting way to learn about chemistry and physics. It is a simple experiment that can be done with household items and is suitable for all ages. While it may make a mess, the results are always impressive and never fail to amaze. So, grab a bottle of soda and a pack of Mentos and let the fun begin!



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