The Fascinating Story Of The Soap Lady Utah

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The Soap Lady Utah is a mummified body that was discovered in 1974 in the basement of the Salt Lake City and County Building. The body was preserved in such a unique way that it earned the name “The Soap Lady”. She has been a mystery that has fascinated people for decades. In this article, we will look at the story of The Soap Lady Utah and explore the science behind her preservation.

The Discovery of The Soap Lady Utah

In 1974, a construction crew was working on the basement of the Salt Lake City and County Building when they stumbled upon a wooden coffin. Inside the coffin was a mummified body that was in an incredibly well-preserved state. The body was wrapped in cloth and had been coated with a waxy substance, which gave her the appearance of being made of soap.

The Investigation

The discovery of The Soap Lady Utah sparked an investigation by the police and the medical examiner’s office. They wanted to determine who she was and how she had been preserved so well. The initial examination revealed that she had been dead for at least 100 years and that she had been a middle-aged woman.

The Preservation of The Soap Lady Utah

The preservation of The Soap Lady Utah is what makes her so fascinating. It turns out that the waxy substance that covered her body was a mixture of animal fat and lye. This mixture, known as “saponification”, is a natural process that occurs when a body is exposed to certain conditions. In this case, the dry climate of Utah and the wooden coffin created the perfect environment for saponification to occur.

The Identity of The Soap Lady Utah

Despite extensive efforts to identify The Soap Lady Utah, her identity remains a mystery. There are several theories about who she might have been, including a woman who disappeared in the late 1800s and a victim of a local serial killer. However, none of these theories have been proven.

The Legacy of The Soap Lady Utah

The discovery of The Soap Lady Utah has had a lasting impact on the scientific community. Her preservation has helped researchers better understand the process of saponification and how it can be used to preserve bodies. The Soap Lady Utah has also become a popular tourist attraction in Salt Lake City, with thousands of people visiting her each year.


The Soap Lady Utah is a fascinating mystery that has captured the imaginations of people for decades. Her unique preservation has helped researchers better understand the science behind mummification, and her story continues to be a popular tourist attraction in Salt Lake City. While her identity remains a mystery, the legacy of The Soap Lady Utah will continue to live on for years to come.