Wax Eloquent Crossword Clue: Solving The Puzzle

Complete the crossword puzzle by using the clues provid...


Have you ever been stuck on a crossword puzzle clue that just won’t come to you? It can be frustrating, especially when you’re so close to finishing the puzzle. One such clue that has been puzzling many crossword enthusiasts is “wax eloquent.” In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of the phrase and provide tips on how to solve the crossword puzzle clue.

What Does “Wax Eloquent” Mean?

The phrase “wax eloquent” means to speak or write in a highly expressive and articulate manner. It is an idiom that is often used to describe someone who is fluent in language and can express themselves in a sophisticated way.

How to Solve the Crossword Puzzle Clue

Now that we know what the phrase means, let’s look at how to solve the crossword puzzle clue. The first thing you need to do is to look at the number of letters in the answer. In most cases, the number of letters will be given in the crossword puzzle. Once you have the number of letters, look at the letters that are already in the answer. This will give you a clue as to what the answer might be. For example, if the crossword puzzle clue starts with the letter “A,” you can guess that the answer might be “articulate” or “attest.” Another way to solve the crossword puzzle clue is to use a thesaurus. Look up synonyms for “wax eloquent” and see if any of those words fit into the crossword puzzle. Some possible synonyms include “articulate,” “eloquent,” “fluent,” and “well-spoken.”

Examples of “Wax Eloquent” in a Sentence

To help you better understand the meaning of the phrase “wax eloquent,” here are a few examples of how it can be used in a sentence: – During his speech, the politician really waxed eloquent about his plans for education reform. – The author’s writing style is so eloquent that it’s hard to put down his books. – The lawyer was able to articulate his client’s defense in a very persuasive and fluent manner.


In conclusion, the phrase “wax eloquent” is an idiom that means to speak or write in a highly expressive and articulate manner. When solving the crossword puzzle clue, it’s important to look at the number of letters and the letters that are already in the answer. You can also use a thesaurus to find synonyms for the phrase. With these tips, you should be able to solve the “wax eloquent” crossword puzzle clue and complete your crossword puzzle.