When Can I Take A Bath After Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck Preparation List & Recovery We Got The Funk


If you are planning to undergo a tummy tuck surgery, you might be wondering about the postoperative care. One of the questions that patients frequently ask is when can they take a bath after the surgery. Bathing is an essential part of personal hygiene, but it can be challenging to know when it is safe to start bathing after a tummy tuck. In this article, we will discuss the timeline for bathing after a tummy tuck surgery.

The First Few Days After Surgery

After a tummy tuck surgery, you will have drains and dressings on your incision site. You will also experience swelling and discomfort. During the first few days after surgery, you will not be able to take a shower or a bath. Your surgeon will recommend sponge baths to keep yourself clean. You should avoid getting your dressings or drains wet, as this can increase the risk of infection.

When Can You Take a Shower?

Your surgeon will remove your drains and dressings after a few days, and you will be able to take a shower. However, you should wait for a few more days before soaking in a bath. It is recommended to wait for at least five days after the surgery to take a shower. This will give your incision site enough time to heal and reduce the risk of infection.

When Can You Take a Bath?

Taking a bath is not recommended for at least two weeks after the surgery. Soaking in a bath can increase the risk of infection and slow down the healing process. It is essential to keep your incision site dry during the healing process. You can use a handheld showerhead to clean yourself while avoiding your incision site.

How to Bathe After a Tummy Tuck?

When you are ready to take a shower, you should avoid using hot water. Hot water can increase the swelling and discomfort. You should also avoid rubbing or scrubbing your incision site. Use a mild soap and gently pat the area dry with a clean towel. You can use a hairdryer on the cool setting to dry the area thoroughly.

When Can You Resume Normal Activities?

It is essential to take it easy during the first few weeks after a tummy tuck surgery. You should avoid any strenuous activities that can increase your blood pressure or heart rate. Your surgeon will recommend when you can resume your normal activities, such as exercising or lifting heavy objects. It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.


Taking a bath after a tummy tuck surgery requires patience and caution. It is recommended to wait for at least two weeks before soaking in a bath. In the meantime, you can take a shower while avoiding your incision site. It is essential to follow your surgeon’s instructions and take it easy during the recovery process. If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon.