Where Did Rock Chalk Come From?

Where did the Rock Chalk Chant come from? YouTube

The Origin of Rock Chalk

The phrase “Rock Chalk” is synonymous with the University of Kansas, and it is often used by its students and fans as a cheer. But where did this phrase come from? The origin of Rock Chalk can be traced back to the late 19th century, when the university’s football team was in need of a cheer.

The Birth of the Cheer

In 1886, E.H.S. Bailey, a chemistry professor at the University of Kansas, noticed that the newly installed sidewalks on campus were made of a particular type of limestone. This limestone was soft enough to be crushed into a fine powder, which Bailey believed could be used to absorb moisture and reduce dust.

The First Use of the Cheer

Bailey shared his discovery with the football team, and they decided to use the phrase “Rock Chalk” as a cheer during games. The cheer was first used on November 23, 1886, during a game against the University of Missouri. The University of Kansas won the game, and the cheer became an instant hit.

The Meaning Behind Rock Chalk

The Rock

The “rock” in Rock Chalk refers to the limestone that was used to build the sidewalks on campus. The limestone was quarried from the hills near Lawrence, Kansas, and was known for its durability and strength.

The Chalk

The “chalk” in Rock Chalk refers to the fine powder that was created by crushing the limestone. This powder was used to reduce dust and absorb moisture on the sidewalks, making them safer and more pleasant to walk on.

The Popularity of Rock Chalk

Over the years, the Rock Chalk cheer has become synonymous with the University of Kansas. It is used not only during football games but also during basketball games and other sporting events. The cheer has even been used by astronauts in space, who have sent messages of support to the University of Kansas using the phrase.


In conclusion, the origin of Rock Chalk can be traced back to the late 19th century, when a chemistry professor at the University of Kansas discovered the benefits of the limestone used to build the sidewalks on campus. The cheer has since become an integral part of the university’s culture and is beloved by its students and fans. Whether you’re a Jayhawk or not, the story behind Rock Chalk is a fascinating one that highlights the importance of innovation and creativity.