Where To Buy Fluorouracil Cream In 2023

Flonida, Efudex ,Fluorouracil Cream, त्वचा का मलहम, स्किन ऑइंटमेंट


Fluorouracil cream is a topical medication used to treat certain types of skin cancer and pre-cancerous skin lesions. If you have been prescribed fluorouracil cream by your doctor, you may be wondering where you can buy it. In this article, we will discuss some of the places where you can purchase fluorouracil cream in 2023.


One of the most common places to buy fluorouracil cream is at a pharmacy. Many pharmacies carry this medication, either in-store or through their online pharmacy websites. You may need to provide a prescription from your doctor in order to purchase fluorouracil cream from a pharmacy.

Online Retailers

Another option for purchasing fluorouracil cream is through online retailers. Many online retailers, such as Amazon and Walmart, offer this medication for sale. However, it is important to ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable retailer and that the medication is legitimate.

Manufacturer Websites

Some manufacturers of fluorouracil cream may sell the medication directly through their website. This can be a convenient option, as you can often purchase the medication without needing a prescription. However, it is important to ensure that you are purchasing from a legitimate manufacturer and that the medication is safe to use.

Doctor’s Offices

In some cases, your doctor may be able to provide you with fluorouracil cream directly from their office. This can be a convenient option, as you can get the medication without having to go to a pharmacy or order it online. However, not all doctors may carry this medication in their office, so it is important to check with your doctor beforehand.

Insurance Coverage

If you have health insurance, your plan may cover the cost of fluorouracil cream. You may need to meet certain requirements or provide documentation from your doctor in order to have the medication covered by your insurance. Check with your insurance provider to see if they cover fluorouracil cream and what the requirements are.


The cost of fluorouracil cream can vary depending on where you purchase it. It is important to compare prices from different retailers and pharmacies to ensure that you are getting the best deal. You may also want to consider using coupons or discounts to help lower the cost of the medication.

Side Effects

Like all medications, fluorouracil cream can cause side effects. Some common side effects include redness, swelling, and itching at the site of application. More serious side effects may include severe skin reactions, such as blistering or peeling. If you experience any side effects while using fluorouracil cream, contact your doctor immediately.


If you have been prescribed fluorouracil cream by your doctor, there are several options for purchasing the medication. Pharmacies, online retailers, manufacturer websites, doctor’s offices, and insurance coverage are all potential avenues for obtaining fluorouracil cream. It is important to compare prices, ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable source, and be aware of potential side effects. With proper use and care, fluorouracil cream can be an effective treatment for certain types of skin cancer and pre-cancerous skin lesions.