Where To Put Progesterone Cream: A Comprehensive Guide

Progesterone Cream, 4 oz Jar PipingRock Health Products


Progesterone cream is a popular hormone replacement therapy used by many women to alleviate symptoms of menopause and other related conditions. However, the effectiveness of the cream depends on the proper application of it. In this article, we will discuss where to put progesterone cream for maximum benefits.

What is Progesterone Cream?

Progesterone is a natural hormone produced by the ovaries. Progesterone cream is a topical cream that contains a synthetic form of the hormone. It is applied to the skin, where it is absorbed and enters the bloodstream.

Where to Apply Progesterone Cream

The best areas to apply progesterone cream are those with a high concentration of capillaries, or small blood vessels. These areas include the inner arms, inner thighs, and the neck. It is important to rotate the application site each time to avoid irritation and to ensure proper absorption.

Inner Arms

The inner arms are a popular location for applying progesterone cream. This area has a thin layer of skin and a high concentration of capillaries, making it an ideal site for absorption. Apply the cream to the inner arms, avoiding any areas with cuts or rashes.

Inner Thighs

The inner thighs are another common site for applying progesterone cream. This area also has a high concentration of capillaries and is easily accessible. Apply the cream to the inner thighs, avoiding any areas with cuts or rashes.


The neck is another area that can be used for progesterone cream application. This area has a high concentration of capillaries and is easily accessible. Apply the cream to the neck, avoiding any areas with cuts or rashes.

How to Apply Progesterone Cream

When applying progesterone cream, it is important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the manufacturer. Typically, the cream is applied once or twice per day, depending on the dosage prescribed.

Clean the Skin

Before applying the cream, clean the skin with soap and water. This will help to remove any dirt or oil that may interfere with absorption.

Apply the Cream

Using the applicator provided, apply the cream to the designated area. Massage the cream into the skin until it is fully absorbed. Do not apply the cream to the same area two days in a row.

Rotate the Application Site

To avoid skin irritation and ensure proper absorption, rotate the application site each time. For example, if you apply the cream to your inner arms on Monday, apply it to your inner thighs on Tuesday.


Progesterone cream can be an effective hormone replacement therapy for women experiencing menopause or related conditions. However, proper application is key to its effectiveness. By applying the cream to areas with a high concentration of capillaries, rotating the application site, and following the instructions provided, you can optimize the benefits of progesterone cream.