Why Is Soap Called Soap Cod?

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The Origins of Soap Making

Soap making has been around for centuries, with evidence of soap making in ancient Babylonian times. The early methods of soap making involved mixing animal fats with ash to create a cleaning agent. As time went on, soap making techniques evolved, and new ingredients were added to the process.

The Introduction of Cod Fish

In the 18th and 19th centuries, cod fish was introduced as an ingredient in soap making. This was due to the high levels of oil found in the fish, which made it an ideal ingredient for soap production. The cod fish was dried and ground into a fine powder, which was then mixed with other ingredients to create soap.

The Name “Soap Cod”

The name “soap cod” comes from the use of cod fish in soap making. The fish was such a significant ingredient in the process that it became associated with soap making itself. The name “soap cod” stuck, and it is still used today, even though cod fish is no longer a common ingredient in soap making.

Modern Soap Making

Today, soap making has evolved, and new ingredients are used in the process. Vegetable oils, such as coconut oil and olive oil, have replaced animal fats, and synthetic ingredients are often added to improve the soap’s texture and scent.

The Benefits of Soap Making

Soap making is a useful skill to have, as it allows you to create your own soap with natural ingredients. Homemade soap is often gentler on the skin than store-bought soap, and it can be customized to suit your individual preferences.

Tips for Making Soap

If you’re interested in making your own soap, here are a few tips to get you started: – Research the different soap making techniques and ingredients before you start. – Use high-quality ingredients, such as organic oils and essential oils. – Follow the recipe carefully and measure your ingredients accurately. – Allow your soap to cure for at least four weeks before using it.


Soap making has a long and fascinating history, and the use of cod fish in soap making is just one small part of that history. While cod fish is no longer a common ingredient in soap making, the name “soap cod” has remained as a reminder of the early days of soap making. Whether you’re interested in the history of soap making or want to try making your own soap, there’s always something new to learn.