Why Put Shaving Cream On A Broom?

Why Put Shaving Cream on Bathroom Floor? Easy Hacks!

The Trending Cleaning Hack

2023 News

Cleaning is an essential task that we all have to do. However, it can be a tedious and time-consuming process. But what if we told you that there is a new cleaning hack that is taking the internet by storm? Yes, you read that right. People are now putting shaving cream on their brooms to make cleaning easier and more efficient.

The Science Behind It

You might be wondering how shaving cream can help with cleaning. Well, it turns out that the foam in shaving cream can effectively trap dust and dirt particles. When you apply shaving cream on your broom, it creates a layer of foam that helps to pick up dust and dirt more effectively. It’s like using a dust mop, but with the added benefit of the foam.

How to Do It

So, how do you put shaving cream on a broom? It’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is apply shaving cream to the bristles of your broom and spread it out evenly. You can use your hands or a brush to ensure that the foam covers all the bristles. Once you have applied the shaving cream, you can start sweeping your floors as you normally would.

The Benefits

There are several benefits to using shaving cream on your broom. Firstly, it makes cleaning more efficient as the foam can trap more dust and dirt particles. Secondly, it can help to reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning as you won’t have to go over the same area multiple times. And finally, it can help to prolong the lifespan of your broom as it reduces the amount of wear and tear on the bristles.

The Drawbacks

While using shaving cream on your broom can be beneficial, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Firstly, it can be messy, and you might have to clean up the foam residue after you’re done cleaning. Secondly, it might not be suitable for all types of floors, and you should test it out on a small area before using it on a larger surface. And finally, it might not be cost-effective, and you might have to use a lot of shaving cream to cover the bristles of your broom.

The Verdict

So, should you put shaving cream on your broom? Well, it depends on your personal preferences and cleaning needs. If you’re looking for a new cleaning hack to try out and don’t mind the mess, then go for it. However, if you’re happy with your current cleaning routine and don’t want to spend money on extra cleaning products, then you might want to stick with what you’re doing.


Cleaning can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can become more manageable. Using shaving cream on your broom is just one of the many cleaning hacks that you can try out. So, the next time you’re looking to make cleaning easier and more efficient, consider putting shaving cream on your broom.