Amazing Home Remedy For Athlete’s Foot Using Baking Soda

13 Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot Cure & Get Rid of It Naturally


Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet, toes, and toenails. It is caused by a fungus that thrives in warm and moist environments, such as sweaty socks and shoes. The symptoms of athlete’s foot include itching, burning, and peeling of the skin. Fortunately, there is an easy and effective home remedy for athlete’s foot using baking soda.

The Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural and inexpensive remedy that can help to alleviate the symptoms of athlete’s foot. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help to kill the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. Baking soda also has a drying effect that can help to reduce the moisture in the affected area, making it less hospitable for the fungus to grow.

How to Use Baking Soda for Athlete’s Foot

To use baking soda for athlete’s foot, follow these simple steps: 1. Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with enough water to make a thick paste. 2. Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. 3. Rinse the area with warm water and dry thoroughly. 4. Repeat this treatment twice a day until the symptoms of athlete’s foot have disappeared.

Other Tips for Treating Athlete’s Foot

In addition to using baking soda, there are other things you can do to help alleviate the symptoms of athlete’s foot. Here are a few tips: – Keep your feet clean and dry. Wash your feet with soap and water every day, and dry them thoroughly, especially between your toes. – Wear clean socks and change them every day. Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row. – Use antifungal powders or sprays. These can help to kill the fungus and prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body. – Avoid walking barefoot in public places, such as locker rooms and swimming pools.

When to See a Doctor

If your symptoms do not improve after using baking soda and following the tips above, or if they get worse, you should see a doctor. You may need prescription-strength antifungal medication to treat your athlete’s foot.


Baking soda is a simple and effective home remedy for athlete’s foot that can help to alleviate the symptoms of this common fungal infection. By using baking soda and following the tips above, you can help to prevent athlete’s foot from recurring and keep your feet healthy and happy.