Can Essential Oil Expire? Everything You Need To Know

Do Essential Oils Expire? Essential oils, List of essential oils


Essential oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. They are extracted from plants and contain the essence of the plant’s fragrance and flavor. However, just like any other natural product, essential oils have a shelf life. In this article, we will explore whether essential oils can expire and how to determine if your essential oils are still good to use.

What is the Shelf Life of Essential Oils?

The shelf life of essential oils can vary depending on the type of oil and how it is stored. Generally, essential oils can last anywhere from 1-3 years. However, some oils, such as citrus oils, have a shorter shelf life and can start to deteriorate within 6 months to a year.

How to Determine if Your Essential Oils are Still Good to Use

There are several ways to determine if your essential oils are still good to use. The first thing to look for is any changes in the color or consistency of the oil. If the oil has become cloudy or has a strange odor, it may have gone bad. Additionally, if the oil has thickened or become sticky, it may have expired. Another way to determine if your essential oils are still good to use is to perform a scent test. Simply open the bottle and take a whiff. If the oil smells off or has a rancid odor, it may have expired.

What Happens When Essential Oils Expire?

When essential oils expire, they can lose their therapeutic properties and become less effective. Additionally, expired oils can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions. In some cases, expired oils can also become toxic and cause harm if ingested.

How to Properly Store Essential Oils

To extend the shelf life of your essential oils, it is important to store them properly. Essential oils should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat. Additionally, oils should be stored in glass bottles to prevent any plastic or metal contaminants from leaching into the oil.

Can You Use Expired Essential Oils?

While it is not recommended to use expired essential oils, some people still choose to use them. If you do decide to use expired oils, it is important to dilute them properly and perform a patch test to ensure that you do not have an adverse reaction.

How to Dispose of Expired Essential Oils

If you have expired essential oils that you no longer wish to use, it is important to dispose of them properly. Do not pour the oil down the drain or throw it in the trash. Instead, you can mix the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and use it for cleaning purposes. Alternatively, you can take the oil to a hazardous waste facility for proper disposal.


In conclusion, essential oils can expire and it is important to know how to determine if your oils are still good to use. By properly storing your oils, you can extend their shelf life and ensure that you are getting the most therapeutic benefits from your oils. If you do have expired oils, it is important to dispose of them properly to prevent any harm to yourself or the environment.