Can You Use Laundry Detergent In A Dishwasher?

Can You Use Laundry Detergent in the Dishwasher?

The Short Answer is No

If you’re wondering whether you can use laundry detergent in a dishwasher, the short answer is no. While both laundry and dishwasher detergents are designed to clean, they are not interchangeable. Laundry detergent contains different ingredients and is formulated differently than dishwasher detergent. Using laundry detergent in a dishwasher can cause a lot of problems.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Laundry Detergent in a Dishwasher

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t use laundry detergent in a dishwasher. Firstly, laundry detergent is formulated to produce suds, while dishwasher detergent is not. Dishwashers are designed to work with low-sudsing detergents, so using laundry detergent can cause suds to overflow from the dishwasher and create a mess. Secondly, laundry detergent can leave a residue on your dishes that is difficult to remove. This residue can make your dishes look cloudy and can also affect the taste of your food. Dishwasher detergent is formulated to leave your dishes clean and residue-free. Lastly, using laundry detergent in a dishwasher can damage your dishwasher. The high-sudsing nature of laundry detergent can cause damage to the dishwasher’s internal parts, such as the pumps and seals. This can lead to costly repairs and even the need for a new dishwasher.

What to Use Instead of Laundry Detergent

If you run out of dishwasher detergent, there are several alternatives you can use instead of laundry detergent. One option is to use baking soda and vinegar. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher and add a cup of vinegar to the bottom of the dishwasher. Then run the dishwasher as usual. Another option is to use dish soap. However, it’s important to use only a small amount, as dish soap produces a lot of suds. Use about a tablespoon of dish soap for a full cycle in the dishwasher.


In conclusion, using laundry detergent in a dishwasher is not recommended. It can cause a lot of problems, including creating suds, leaving a residue on your dishes, and damaging your dishwasher. If you run out of dishwasher detergent, there are several alternatives you can use instead, such as baking soda and vinegar or a small amount of dish soap. By using the right detergent, you can ensure your dishes are clean and your dishwasher stays in good working condition.