Canning Deer Meat In Water Bath: A Comprehensive Guide

Water bath canning is an easy way to preserve food at home. Learn the

The Benefits of Canning Deer Meat

Canning deer meat can be a great way to preserve your bounty and ensure that you have a ready supply of protein on hand. When done properly, canned deer meat can last for years, making it a great option for long-term storage. Additionally, it can be a great way to save money, as you can often buy deer meat at a lower cost than other types of meat.

Getting Started

Before you begin canning your deer meat, it’s important to make sure that you have all of the necessary equipment. This includes a pressure canner, canning jars, and lids. You’ll also want to make sure that your deer meat is properly cleaned and trimmed, as any excess fat or connective tissue can impact the quality of the canned meat.

Step 1: Prepare the Meat

To prepare the meat, you’ll want to cut it into small, manageable pieces. You can also season the meat at this point, if desired. Once the meat is cut, you’ll want to pack it tightly into your canning jars, leaving about an inch of headspace at the top.

Step 2: Add Water

Once your jars are packed with meat, you’ll want to add water to each jar, making sure that the meat is completely covered. It’s important to use only water in this step, as other liquids can impact the safety of the canned meat.

Step 3: Seal the Jars

Once your jars are filled with meat and water, you’ll want to seal them tightly with lids and bands. Make sure that the lids are properly centered and screwed on tightly, as any gaps can impact the safety of the canned meat.

Step 4: Process the Jars

Once your jars are sealed, you’ll want to process them in a pressure canner. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific canner, but generally you’ll want to process the jars at 10 pounds of pressure for 90 minutes.

Storing Your Canned Deer Meat

Once your jars are processed and cooled, you’ll want to store them in a cool, dry place. Canned deer meat can last for years if stored properly, making it a great option for long-term food storage.


Canning deer meat can be a great way to preserve your bounty and ensure that you have a ready supply of protein on hand. By following these simple steps, you can safely can your deer meat and enjoy it for years to come. So the next time you bag a deer, consider canning some of the meat for a delicious and nutritious addition to your pantry.