Does Scar Tissue Have Nerves?

Arachnoiditis nerve clumping; scar tissue growing in the arachnoid


Scar tissue is a common occurrence after an injury or surgery. It is formed when the body tries to repair damaged tissue by producing collagen fibers. While the formation of scar tissue is a natural healing process, it can sometimes lead to complications. One of the questions that people often ask is whether scar tissue has nerves.

The Formation of Scar Tissue

Before we dive into whether scar tissue has nerves, let’s first understand how it is formed. When there is an injury or surgery, the body produces collagen fibers to repair the damaged tissue. Collagen fibers are like the building blocks of scar tissue. Over time, the collagen fibers become more organized and dense, forming a scar.

Scar Tissue and Nerve Endings

Now, coming to the question at hand – does scar tissue have nerves? The answer is yes and no. Scar tissue itself does not have nerves, but it can affect the surrounding nerve endings. When scar tissue forms, it can compress or entrap nearby nerve endings, leading to pain, numbness, or tingling sensations.

How Scar Tissue Affects Nerves

Scar tissue can affect nerves in different ways depending on its location and severity. In some cases, scar tissue can cause nerve entrapment, where the scar tissue compresses the nerve and causes pain, numbness, or tingling sensations. This is commonly seen in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, where scar tissue forms around the median nerve in the wrist.

Scar Tissue and Neuromas

Another way in which scar tissue can affect nerves is by causing neuromas. A neuroma is a benign growth of nerve tissue that can occur when nerve endings are trapped or damaged. Scar tissue can sometimes lead to the formation of neuromas, which can cause pain, tingling, or burning sensations.

Treatment for Scar Tissue and Nerve Complications

If you are experiencing pain, numbness, or tingling sensations due to scar tissue, it is important to seek medical attention. Your doctor may recommend conservative treatments like physical therapy or medication to manage your symptoms. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove the scar tissue and relieve nerve entrapment or neuromas.

Preventing Scar Tissue and Nerve Complications

The best way to prevent complications from scar tissue is to take care of your wound or incision site properly. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully and avoid activities that may put stress on the healing tissue. If you have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scars, talk to your doctor about preventive measures like silicone gel or compression therapy.


In conclusion, scar tissue itself does not have nerves, but it can affect the surrounding nerve endings. If you are experiencing pain, numbness, or tingling sensations due to scar tissue, seek medical attention. With proper care and treatment, you can manage your symptoms and prevent complications from scar tissue.