How To Grow Baby’s Breath: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Grow Baby's Breath Planting flowers, Plants, Growing plants


If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that adds a touch of elegance to your garden or home, baby’s breath is an excellent choice. Not only is it easy to grow, but it also produces beautiful tiny white flowers that are perfect for bouquets and floral arrangements. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about growing baby’s breath.

Choosing the Right Location

Baby’s breath prefers full sun to partial shade, so choose a spot in your garden or home that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight. Make sure the soil is well-draining and has a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. If your soil is too acidic, you can add lime to raise the pH.


Plant baby’s breath seeds in the spring after the danger of frost has passed. Sow the seeds directly in the soil, about 1/4 inch deep and 6 inches apart. Water the soil thoroughly after planting, and keep it moist until the seeds germinate. Once the plants have grown a few inches tall, thin them out so they are 12 inches apart.

Watering and Fertilizing

Baby’s breath doesn’t require much water, but it does prefer consistent moisture. Water the plants deeply once a week, or more often during hot, dry weather. Fertilize the plants once a month with a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10.


To encourage bushier growth and more flowers, pinch back the tips of the stems when the plants are about 6 inches tall. You can also cut back the plants after the first flush of flowers has faded to promote a second bloom.

Pests and Diseases

Baby’s breath is generally pest and disease-free, but it can be susceptible to powdery mildew if the soil is too wet. To prevent this, water the plants at the base and avoid getting the leaves wet. If you do notice powdery mildew, treat it with a fungicide.


You can harvest baby’s breath flowers when they are fully open but before they start to fade. Cut the stems at a 45-degree angle and place them in a vase with fresh water. Baby’s breath can last up to two weeks in a vase if you change the water every other day.


Aside from being a beautiful addition to floral arrangements, baby’s breath can also be used as a filler plant in the garden. It pairs well with other annuals and perennials, such as roses, zinnias, and daisies. You can also use baby’s breath in wreaths, garlands, and other DIY projects.


Growing baby’s breath is easy and rewarding. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy its delicate white flowers all season long. Whether you’re a beginner gardener or a seasoned pro, baby’s breath is a must-have in your garden or home.