How To Remove Grease From Upholstery

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Grease stains on upholstery can be a real headache. Whether it’s from food, oil or any other source, these stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove. However, with the right approach and cleaning products, it’s possible to remove grease from upholstery without damaging the fabric. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it.

Step 1: Blotting the Stain

The first step to remove grease from upholstery is to blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth. This will help to absorb as much of the grease as possible. Be careful not to rub the stain, as this can spread the grease further and make the stain worse.

Step 2: Applying the Cleaning Solution

Once you’ve blotted the stain, it’s time to apply a cleaning solution. You can make your own solution by mixing equal parts of water and white vinegar. Alternatively, you can use a commercial upholstery cleaner. Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes.

Step 3: Scrubbing the Stain

After the cleaning solution has had time to work, it’s time to scrub the stain. Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean, damp cloth to scrub the stain gently. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the fabric.

Step 4: Rinsing the Upholstery

Once you’ve scrubbed the stain, it’s time to rinse the upholstery. Use a clean, damp cloth to rinse the area thoroughly. Be sure to remove all the cleaning solution, as any residue can attract dirt and make the stain worse.

Step 5: Drying the Upholstery

After you’ve rinsed the upholstery, it’s time to dry it. Use a clean, dry cloth to blot the area dry. Avoid using a hairdryer or other heat source, as this can damage the fabric. Allow the upholstery to air dry completely before using it again.

Tips for Removing Grease from Upholstery

– Act quickly: The longer you wait to remove a grease stain, the harder it will be to remove. – Test the cleaning solution: Before using any cleaning solution on your upholstery, test it on a small, inconspicuous area first. – Use a gentle touch: Be gentle when scrubbing the stain to avoid damaging the fabric.


Removing grease from upholstery can be a challenge, but with the right approach and cleaning products, it’s possible to do it without damaging the fabric. Remember to act quickly, test the cleaning solution, and use a gentle touch when scrubbing the stain. With these tips, you’ll be able to keep your upholstery looking clean and fresh for years to come.