Is Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese Discontinued?

Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese, 7.5 oz Kroger

The Rumor

Recently, there has been a rumor circulating on social media that Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese has been discontinued. Fans of this popular flavor are distraught, wondering if they will ever be able to enjoy it again. But is there any truth to this rumor?

The Investigation

After conducting some research, we can confirm that Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese has not been officially discontinued. In fact, it is still available for purchase in many stores across the United States. However, there have been some reports of limited availability in certain regions.

It is important to note that Philadelphia Cream Cheese, like many other food products, may experience temporary shortages or distribution issues. This does not necessarily mean that the product is being discontinued for good.

Why the Rumor?

So why did this rumor start in the first place? It is possible that some people simply could not find Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese in their local stores and assumed it had been discontinued. Others may have heard false information from unreliable sources.

Additionally, some fans of the flavor may be worried about its future because Philadelphia Cream Cheese has discontinued other flavors in the past. However, there is no indication that Pineapple Cream Cheese is next on the chopping block.

The Future of Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese

It is impossible to predict the future of any food product, including Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese. However, there are no current plans to discontinue this flavor.

It is important for fans of this flavor to continue to support it by purchasing it when available. This will help ensure that Philadelphia Cream Cheese sees the demand for Pineapple Cream Cheese and continues to produce it.


If you are unable to find Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese in your local stores, there are other options available. Some brands, such as Kraft and Borden, offer pineapple cream cheese flavors. Additionally, you can try making your own pineapple cream cheese by adding pineapple juice or crushed pineapple to plain cream cheese.

The Bottom Line

While there have been reports of limited availability, Philadelphia Pineapple Cream Cheese has not been discontinued. Fans of this flavor can continue to enjoy it by purchasing it when available and supporting its production. And if you are unable to find it, there are alternative options available.

So, rest assured that you can still enjoy your favorite pineapple cream cheese flavor. Happy spreading!