Jasmine Rice Vs Basmati Rice Glycemic Index: Which Is Better For You?

Basmati vs jasmine rice A comparison of taste, nutrition & more


Rice is a staple food in many countries around the world, and it comes in various types, such as jasmine rice and basmati rice. Both jasmine and basmati rice are popular for their aroma, flavor, and texture. However, when it comes to their glycemic index, there are differences between the two. In this article, we will discuss the glycemic index of jasmine rice vs basmati rice and which one is better for you.

What is Glycemic Index?

Glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI are quickly digested and absorbed, leading to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, foods with a low GI are slowly digested and absorbed, resulting in a gradual increase in blood sugar levels.

Jasmine Rice Glycemic Index

Jasmine rice has a high glycemic index, ranging from 68 to 80, depending on the cooking method and variety. This means that it is quickly digested and absorbed, leading to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels. People with diabetes or those who are at risk of developing diabetes should consume jasmine rice in moderation.

Basmati Rice Glycemic Index

Basmati rice has a low to medium glycemic index, ranging from 50 to 58, depending on the cooking method and variety. This means that it is slowly digested and absorbed, resulting in a gradual increase in blood sugar levels. Basmati rice is a better option for people with diabetes or those who are at risk of developing diabetes.

Other Factors to Consider

Apart from glycemic index, there are other factors to consider when choosing between jasmine rice and basmati rice. Jasmine rice is known for its fragrance and flavor, while basmati rice is known for its long and slender grains. Both types of rice are gluten-free and low in fat, making them a healthy choice.

Nutritional Value

Jasmine rice and basmati rice are both rich in carbohydrates, which provide energy to the body. However, jasmine rice contains more calories and carbohydrates compared to basmati rice. Basmati rice, on the other hand, contains more fiber and protein than jasmine rice.

Cooking Method

The cooking method can also affect the glycemic index of the rice. Boiling or steaming rice with a lower water-to-rice ratio can result in a lower glycemic index. Adding vinegar or lemon juice to the cooking water can also lower the glycemic index.


In conclusion, jasmine rice has a high glycemic index, while basmati rice has a low to medium glycemic index. Basmati rice is a better option for people with diabetes or those who are at risk of developing diabetes. However, both types of rice are healthy choices and can be consumed in moderation. The cooking method can also affect the glycemic index of the rice, so it’s essential to choose the right cooking method for the rice you choose.