What Is Collagen Cross Linking Cost In 2023?

Collagen Crosslinking using Riboflavin and UVA exposure for Keratoconus


Collagen Cross Linking is a popular treatment for people with keratoconus, a condition that causes the cornea to thin and bulge into a cone shape. The procedure involves applying riboflavin drops to the eye and then exposing it to ultraviolet light. This causes the collagen fibers in the cornea to cross-link, making it stronger and more stable. But how much does it cost? In this article, we will explore the cost of collagen cross-linking in 2023.

The Cost of Collagen Cross Linking

The cost of collagen cross-linking varies depending on several factors, including the location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, and the type of equipment used. In 2023, the average cost of collagen cross-linking in the United States ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 per eye. However, prices may be higher or lower depending on the location and the clinic.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Collagen Cross Linking

As mentioned earlier, several factors affect the cost of collagen cross-linking. The following are some of the factors that you need to consider before undergoing the procedure.

1. Location

The location of the clinic is one of the most significant factors that affect the cost of collagen cross-linking. Clinics in major cities tend to charge more than those in rural areas. For instance, the cost of the procedure in New York City may be higher than that in a small town in Kansas.

2. Surgeon’s Experience

The experience of the surgeon also plays a significant role in determining the cost of the procedure. Experienced surgeons may charge more than those who are just starting. However, it is essential to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon to ensure the success of the procedure.

3. Type of Equipment Used

The type of equipment used during the procedure may also affect the price. Clinics that use the latest and most advanced equipment may charge more than those that use older equipment. However, it is crucial to choose a clinic that uses modern equipment to ensure the success of the procedure.

Insurance Coverage for Collagen Cross Linking

In most cases, insurance does not cover the cost of collagen cross-linking. However, some insurance plans may cover the procedure if it is deemed medically necessary. It is essential to check with your insurance provider to see if they cover the procedure.


Collagen cross-linking is an effective treatment for keratoconus. However, the cost of the procedure may vary depending on several factors. In 2023, the average cost of collagen cross-linking in the United States ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 per eye. It is essential to consider the factors that affect the cost before undergoing the procedure. If you have insurance, check with your provider to see if they cover the procedure.