What Is Titanium Dioxide In Soap?

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When you purchase soap, you may notice a white powder listed as an ingredient called titanium dioxide. But what is titanium dioxide, and what does it do in soap? In this article, we will explore the properties and uses of titanium dioxide in soap.

What is Titanium Dioxide?

Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring mineral that is commonly used as a whitening agent in a wide range of products, including soap. It is a fine, white powder that is highly reflective and has a high refractive index.

How is Titanium Dioxide Used in Soap?

In soap, titanium dioxide is added to give it a bright white color. It is often used in combination with other colorants to create a variety of colors. Titanium dioxide is also used as a thickening agent in some soap formulations, as it can help to increase the viscosity of the soap.

Is Titanium Dioxide Safe in Soap?

Titanium dioxide is generally considered safe for use in soap. It is not absorbed through the skin and is not a known irritant. However, there have been concerns about the safety of titanium dioxide in other products, such as food and cosmetics.

Alternative Ingredients to Titanium Dioxide in Soap

If you prefer to avoid products that contain titanium dioxide, there are alternative ingredients that can be used to achieve a white color in soap. Kaolin clay, zinc oxide, and mica powders are all commonly used as natural whitening agents in soap.

How to Incorporate Titanium Dioxide into Soap Making

To incorporate titanium dioxide into your soap recipe, it is best to add it to your oils before mixing in your lye solution. This will help to ensure that the titanium dioxide is evenly distributed throughout the soap. Be sure to use a high-quality, food-grade titanium dioxide powder for best results.


Titanium dioxide is a common ingredient in soap that is used to give it a bright white color. It is generally considered safe for use in soap, but there are alternative ingredients that can be used if you prefer to avoid it. When incorporating titanium dioxide into your soap recipe, be sure to use a high-quality powder and add it to your oils before mixing in your lye solution.