You Can Export Only First 10000 Rows Available For Your Subscription

You can export only first 10000 rows available for your subscription


In the world of data analysis and management, there are many challenges that individuals and organizations face. One of the most common challenges is being able to export all the data they need. This is especially true for those who have a limited subscription plan. In this article, we will discuss why you can only export the first 10,000 rows available for your subscription and what you can do about it.

Why is there a limit to the number of rows you can export?

The reason why there is a limit to the number of rows you can export is due to the limitations of your subscription plan. Most subscription plans come with a certain amount of data that you can access and export. If you exceed this limit, you will need to upgrade your subscription plan to access more data.

How does this affect your data analysis?

The limit on the number of rows you can export can have a significant impact on your data analysis. If you are working with a large dataset, you may need to export all the rows to fully analyze the data. However, if you are limited to only exporting the first 10,000 rows, you may miss out on valuable insights and trends that are present in the remaining data.

What can you do about it?

If you find yourself limited by the number of rows you can export, there are a few things you can do. The first is to upgrade your subscription plan to access more data. This may not be feasible for everyone, but it is a viable option for those who are working with large datasets on a regular basis.

Another option is to use sampling techniques to analyze your data. Sampling involves selecting a smaller representative sample of the data and analyzing it instead of the full dataset. While this may not give you the complete picture, it can still provide valuable insights and trends that can guide your decision-making.

You can also try using data visualization tools to analyze your data. These tools can help you identify trends and insights quickly and easily, without the need to export all the data.


In conclusion, the limit on the number of rows you can export is a common challenge that many individuals and organizations face. While it can have a significant impact on your data analysis, there are still ways to work around it. By upgrading your subscription plan, using sampling techniques, or utilizing data visualization tools, you can still gain valuable insights and make informed decisions with the data you have.


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