How To Get Dried Wax Out Of Clothes: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Remove Candle Wax From Clothing


Dried wax stains on clothes can be a real pain to remove. Whether it’s from a candle, crayon, or even a beauty treatment mishap, you don’t have to throw out your clothes just yet. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to get dried wax out of clothes so you can save your garments and your wallet.

Materials Needed

Before we dive into the methods, it’s important to have the right materials on hand. You will need the following: – An iron – A brown paper bag or parchment paper – A butter knife or spoon – A stain remover – Laundry detergent

Method 1: Using an Iron

The first method involves using an iron to melt the wax and transfer it onto a paper bag or parchment paper. Here are the steps: 1. Set your iron to a medium heat setting and let it heat up. 2. Place the garment on a flat surface with the wax stain facing up. 3. Place a brown paper bag or parchment paper over the wax stain. 4. Press the iron over the paper bag or parchment paper, moving it in a circular motion. 5. Check the paper bag or parchment paper to see if the wax has transferred onto it. If it has, repeat the process with a clean piece of paper until no more wax transfers.

Method 2: Scraping the Wax

If you don’t have an iron, you can also try scraping the wax off the garment. Here’s how: 1. Use a butter knife or spoon to gently scrape away as much of the dried wax as possible. 2. Once you’ve removed as much as you can, place the garment in the freezer for about 30 minutes. 3. Take the garment out of the freezer and use the knife or spoon to scrape away any remaining wax. 4. Apply a stain remover to the remaining wax stain and let it sit for a few minutes. 5. Wash the garment with laundry detergent as usual.

Method 3: Boiling Water

Another method to try is using boiling water to remove the wax. Here are the steps: 1. Boil a pot of water. 2. Place the garment in a sink or basin. 3. Pour the boiling water over the wax stain, making sure it covers the entire stain. 4. Let the garment sit for a few minutes. 5. Use a butter knife or spoon to scrape away any remaining wax. 6. Apply a stain remover to the remaining wax stain and let it sit for a few minutes. 7. Wash the garment with laundry detergent as usual.


Getting dried wax out of clothes may seem daunting, but with the right materials and methods, it’s possible to save your clothes from the trash. Remember to always check the care label on your garment before trying any of these methods and to test them on a small, inconspicuous area first. With a little patience and persistence, you can remove even the toughest wax stains.