Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish: The Sweetest Trend Of 2023

HowTo Glazed Donut Nails Beyond Polish

The Origin of Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish

The latest trend in the world of nail art is the glazed doughnut nail polish. This unique nail polish design is inspired by the delicious and sweet glazed doughnuts that we all love. The trend originated in Japan, where it quickly gained popularity among fashionistas and beauty enthusiasts. Soon, it started to spread across the globe, and now it has become a must-try nail trend for all those who love to experiment with their nails.

How to Get the Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish Look

To achieve the glazed doughnut nail polish look, you need to start with a base coat. Choose a light shade of nail polish, such as pale pink or beige, to create a neutral base. Once the base coat is dry, apply a coat of light brown or beige nail polish to create the doughnut base. Then, using a small brush, create the doughnut’s “icing” by applying a coat of shiny and translucent nail polish. To finish off the look, add some sprinkles by using a toothpick to dab small dots of colorful nail polish onto the nails.

The Benefits of Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish

Apart from being a fun and creative way to express yourself, glazed doughnut nail polish has many benefits. One of the benefits is that it is a quick and easy way to add some fun and color to your nails. You don’t need any special skills or tools to create this look, and you can do it in the comfort of your own home. Additionally, glazed doughnut nail polish is a great way to make a statement and show off your personality.

Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish for Different Occasions

Glazed doughnut nail polish is a versatile trend that can be worn on different occasions. For a casual day out, you can opt for a pastel-colored doughnut nail design with colorful sprinkles. For a more formal event, you can choose a more sophisticated design with a neutral base and a subtle glitter finish. Glazed doughnut nail polish can also be a fun and unique way to celebrate special occasions like birthdays or holidays.

The Future of Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish

The glazed doughnut nail polish trend is here to stay, and we can expect to see more variations of this sweet and fun trend in the future. Nail polish brands are already starting to release their own versions of glazed doughnut nail polish, and we can expect to see more creative designs and colors in the coming years. Glazed doughnut nail polish is the perfect way to add some fun and creativity to your nail game, and we can’t wait to see where this trend will take us.

How to Remove Glazed Doughnut Nail Polish

Removing glazed doughnut nail polish is as easy as removing any other type of nail polish. Simply use a nail polish remover and a cotton pad to gently remove the polish from your nails. If you have applied multiple layers of polish, you may need to use a little more remover and be a bit more patient. Once the polish is removed, be sure to moisturize your nails and cuticles to keep them healthy and strong.

Final Thoughts

The glazed doughnut nail polish trend is a fun and creative way to express yourself and add some color to your nails. Whether you opt for a simple design or a more intricate one, glazed doughnut nail polish is a trend that anyone can try. So why not give it a go and see for yourself how sweet and fun this trend can be?